Sunday, September 18, 2005


The Supreme Splendour :
DOW Power

“The more you depend on forces outside of yourself
the more you are dominated by them.”
Harold Sherman

We live in an age of magnificence - of prosperity and true joy, and it only takes a recipe to tune us all in. What miracles are these that we have been given so much love, wisdom and power to use at our discretion? Many of the Ambassadors of Light believe that we come as Gods to find the Gods that we are in physical earth form. Some say that God is like the sun. It feeds us, and keeps all our movies alive and its nature can be nirvanic and tender. When we swim in It, merge with It, feel It, allow It to love us as we remember It, miracles happen. Some call living without the need of food, a miracle.
Yet, simplistically put, the ability to live on light is a result of an initiation into the Presence of the God Within, which then feeds us by the power of Its radiation. I prefer to call this the Divine One Within or our DOW.
In the experience of the Ambassadors of Light, DOW Power is a limitless and never-ending source of pure energy that dwells within everything, whether it is animate or not. It is the Power or Presence of what some call the Supreme Splendour of OH-OM, the One Heart and One Mind that exists within all.
Some call the DOW Power of OH-OM: God’s power, Allah’s power, Brahma’s power, the force of Supreme Intelligence, the radiation from the Singularity; or other labels depending on their culture and beliefs. As the beings of light that I work with have often said: “We don’t care what you call your God, just so long as you call It”, for experiencing It will bring love, wisdom, passion and purpose to our lives. Talk without experience perpetuates separatism as our minds always filter knowledge to mirror our own beliefs.
The living on light journey has never been about eating or not eating, it has always been about DOW Power. Everyone has this power available to them - in the same quantities - we just access It with different regularity and in different quantities. DOW Power is not restricted by either our races, religions, cultures or our beliefs. It is like a hidden source of energy that when recognized, connected with, experienced and allowed to flow unimpeded through our bodies, brings many miracles to our lives. Being free from the need to take our nourishment from food is one very small benefit of this.
There are a myriad of ways to experience this Divine Power and the 21 day initiation that we talk about in my first book on this topic, is just one. As a consequence of this initiation that is designed to connect us further with the power of the Divine One Within, an individual finds freedom on many levels and yes, it is true that for many this means being free from the need to take nourishment from food. This is fact.
How this occurs has been detailed in our first book called “Living on Light - Nutrition for the New Millennium - A Personal Journey”. The success of this initiation, and the Light Ambassador’s ability to maintain and sustain being fed by prana is dependant on a very disciplined lifestyle choice. This is where the individual involved focuses their time on maintaining a high level of physical, emotional, mental and spiritual fitness.
We call the individual who chooses this path, an Ambassador of Light or the spiritual warrior, for undergoing the process of conversion to pranic nourishment often demands both discipline and courage. To be successfully nourished by prana for over a long period of time, requires a clear commitment to experience DOW Power as It radiates Its Presence through us all on Earth. Many who undergo this journey have realized that the Holy Grail can be found within and that the physical body is also a temple to house the Presence of this Divine Force of Creation.
Throughout millennia, spiritual warriors have been undergoing initiations that allow them to radiate the light, love and wisdom of the Divine One Within. Obviously there are those who believe that the Divine Force of Creation is an external force - rather than a Force that permeates everything - and therefore they may not feel as though they can experience this Supreme Power personally.
The Oxford Dictionary describes ‘God’ as a “superhuman being worshipped as having power over nature and human fortunes.” In the ancient Vedas, it is said that we are to God as sunshine is to sun. In fact the Vedas have more information on prana and Its power than any other source of literature.
Debating about the way we think the Divine expresses Itself is not the issue of focus here. We all know that personal experience speaks volumes and surpasses theory and postulation, and often people may have experiences of ‘higher powers’ that defy both medical and scientific explanation. This is true in the case of the Ambassadors of Light.
In essence, the ability to live on prana alone is a natural by-product of allowing our DOW to feed us as we invite It to radiate through us. This is what the Christians would call living from God’s light - literally. Religious texts and scriptures are filled with references as to the power of this divine radiation.
Are all who live from light religious? Not necessarily - at least not in the way that is commonly accepted, yet over 80% of the Ambassadors of Light have both a very deep understanding of metaphysics and have been long-term meditators. It is my belief that one cannot live from light unless one has the intrinsic understanding and experience in the existence of a Higher Intelligence - a cosmic order behind the chaos. For if we cease to take nourishment from food and yet we do not believe in, or have no experience of the Divine Force, then what will feed us in the place of food?
Human beings need nourishment to survive or else the physical body will feed off itself and eventually die, which is what happens to those with anorexia, or those who exist in situations with food scarcity, or those who are involved in hunger strikes. While we have plenty of research about what happens to people denied food, there has been virtually no precedence in the West of people being fed by prana.
Prana in Sanskrit means primal energy and is sometimes translated as breath of vital force; though it is more than these. The subject of prana is common in yogic thought and we talk more of this in the chapter called Prana Power. To me, prana is the essence of our DOW, and living healthily without food requires the ability to tap into DOW Power to obtain this alternative form of nutrition. And, as living purely on light is an exercise in self-mastery, it is not possible to do this without knowledge and experience of our Divine Self. Not the ego/personality/culturally influenced self, but the Self that inspires us to explore and understand our true human potential.
Some call this desire to experience the Divine Self, the journey of enlightenment. According to the “Dictionary of Symbols”, enlightenment is a “Symbol of a condition experienced by candidates during rites of initiation. The known pattern of these rites involves death, a journey to the spirit world and a rebirth.”
Those who have experienced the 21 day process have found it to be an initiation that takes courage and commitment and great trust. All the Light Ambassadors who have chosen to stay with the experience of being fed by DOW Power have held a long-term interest in esoteric matters and initiations that allow them to be more ‘light filled’.

Albert Einstein once said:
“The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious.
It is the source of true art and science. He to whom the emotion is stranger, who can no longer pause to wonder and stand wrapped in awe,
is as good as dead; his eyes are closed.
The insight into the mystery of life, coupled though it be with fear,
has also given rise to religion.
“To know what is impenetrable to us really exists, manifesting itself as the highest wisdom and the most radiant beauty, which our dull faculties can comprehend only in their most primitive forms - this knowledge, this feeling is at the centre of true religiousness.”

To the Ambassadors of Light, radiation of the Supreme Splendour of the DOW is of paramount importance for we understand that this one focus alone has the power to transform our world. As has been the way since linear time began on Earth, every single human being is at choice as to how they wish to live their life, moment by moment. Choosing to focus on self-responsibility and self-refinement and getting to know our DOW will fulfil the prophecy of the ‘Second Coming’.
This is something that all who breathe can do right here, right now, rather than anticipating miracles or the return of the ‘Messiah’ to save us. Focusing on the Divine Perfection that dwells within us will release an experience of the Christed consciousness or the Buddhic consciousness within our hearts and minds and bring the world and her people into a state of true harmony and grace.
There are many ways to radiate the Supreme Splendour and these are well covered in our previous book titled “In Resonance”, and also throughout esoteric and metaphysical material and the scriptures of many religions. The knowledge of these paths is always revealed to the sincere seeker, for our DOW is always looking for opportunities to reveal Its Presence in our lives when invited to do so.
Yes, radiating the Supreme Splendour is about en‘light’enment - and to many of the Ambassadors of Light, this means being filled with Light. The four attributes of en‘light’enment are said to be: a) discrimination; b) desirelessness; c) good conduct and d) love. These are issues that the Light Ambassadors feel are worthy of experiencing.
As ancient texts have always said, we hold all the knowledge and all the keys to universal wisdom within us. Nothing is new and all will unfold on earth eventually in accordance with the Divine Plan. This Plan is a field of possibility that all who believe in grace and magic can play within. The wizards call what occurs within this field, the game of Divine Alchemy which we cover in detail in the Camelot Trilogy.
To the beings of light that I call the MA (or Master Alchemists), the lifestyles of the Ambassadors of Light who choose to be fed by their DOW, offer a more civilized alternative to the continual slaughter of both animal and human life at this time.
For me it is wonderful being able to be part of a small group of people who are able to offer this alternative to the world even though we accept that it is challenging to many people’s belief systems. For those who intuitively respond to this lifestyle choice, Living on Light seems a very natural alternative.
While the “Exactly how is this possible?” question still needs a lot of scientific and medical research, the fact is that people can be nourished by liquid light, chi or prana, if they are physically fit, emotionally fit, mentally fit and spiritually fit AND desire this lifestyle, as yogis have done this for millennia.
In more recent times, studies have been done on the state of ‘bigu’, which is attained via qi emissions, which are the radiation of a qigong master. After this exposure, many report a loss of appetite and maintain this desire to not eat, and practice of not eating, for days, months and years.
Our journey into pranic nourishment is somewhat different yet the results are the same. How well we are fed by prana and how well we can sustain this form of nourishment long-term, is directly related to how powerfully we allow the DOW to radiate through our body. We control the level of this emission daily by the quality of our thoughts, words and deeds.
As my friend and colleague, Louix Dor Dempriey says in his book “Dawn of Enlightenment”: “Divinity reveals itself from within the self, where it lies dormant until such time as the soul is ready and willing to externalize it. There are four qualities necessary to liberate the soul: desire, faith, willingness and obedience. Of the four, obedience is the last to which the ego personality will succumb. It is not enough to read all the right books and quote all the great sages. The divine laws of cause and effect must be obeyed.”
The evidence of these laws is everywhere on our planet if only we choose to look. So is the evidence of Holiness, which appears in different ways to different people. And yet it is not our different beliefs that stop us from experiencing Holiness - it is our lack of deep desire. Without desire, without intention and without vision, the evidence of the Supreme Splendour remains hidden from us all. Those who have found and experienced the evidence of Holiness often become the Ambassadors of Light.

The above is chapter one from the book "AMBASSADORS OF LIGHT - World Health, World Hunger Project" by Jasmuheen. It is available as an inexpensive e-book at:

BOOK 2 of the Living on Light – Divine Nutrition Series: “AMBASSADORS OF LIGHT - Living on Light – World Health, World Hunger Project” 'AMBASSADORS OF LIGHT : World Health World Hunger Project': Jasmuheen’s tenth book and the follow on to her best seller "Living on Light - Nutrition for the New Millennium". In this book Jasmuheen offers practical solutions to world health and world hunger related challenges, via her ‘Luscious Lifestyles Program’ and via effective ways to redirect global resources. This entails an in-depth look at global disarmament, the dissolution of prohibition, the forgiveness of third world debt, holistic re- education programs and the elimination of the need for personal pharmaceutical use through the elimination of all dis-ease. "Ambassadors of Light" also looks at the undeniable long term benefits of vegetarianism in relation to health and resource sustainability levels, and also at the lifestyles that those who are now free from the need to eat food usually adopt. Jasmuheen also compiles statistics from the Light Ambassadry’s Global Research Project as well as the research of many others into this phenomena. This book is a collation of research, recipes and recommendations that if adopted, will radically alter the path of humankind! Imagine a world without war or hunger or fear? Imagine a world that is dis-ease free and unified where all life is honoured? These are the dreams of the Ambassadors of Light.

Thursday, September 15, 2005


The Art Of Resonance with Jasmuheen

Resonance is defined in the Oxford Dictionary as, ‘Responding to vibrations of a particular frequency especially by itself strongly vibrating’. When related to metaphysics it is associated with the universal Law of Resonance. This law basically states that like attracts like.
Our bodies are energy systems, and we all oscillate at our own unique vibrational frequency that reflects the sum total of everything that we have experienced through eons of time. We have what is termed a four-body system of ‘lower’ bodies - termed 'lower' due to their vibrational frequency or resonance - and we also have higher bodies or energy fields which resonate at a higher or finer frequency. Their resonance can be compared to the musical notes played on a piano or string instrument. It can be on key or off key.
Toxicity from negative thoughts, unresolved negative emotions, pollutants, dross, poor diets etc. affects the energy fields of the body. These, in turn, influence our vibrational frequency and determine whether we are ‘on key’ or ‘off key’. Past life experiences and current life experiences are all held in cellular memory and are also reflected in our vibrational frequency. Dr. Deepak Chopra states in his book ‘Quantum Healing’ that a cell is a memory that has built matter around itself, forming a specific pattern, and that the body is the place that the memory calls home.
Many individuals are now being motivated by a strong inner desire to really experience joy, balance, harmony and unconditional love in life. These experiences are automatically ours when we realign our physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies to higher, more refined frequencies. Realigning our frequency is like tuning a string on an instrument to its perfect pitch. The finer the frequencies we emit, the finer the life experiences we attract via the universal Law of Resonance.
For example, the physical body may resonate perfectly to the musical note of ‘C’, the energy field of the emotional body to ‘D’, the energy field of the mental body to ‘E’, and the spiritual body to ‘F’. When these energy fields are perfectly tuned to their ‘notes’, they play together harmoniously and life becomes magical. When they are out of tune the music is discordant, off key, and our life does not flow or feel harmonious.
Standards and expectations vary from individual to individual. Just as the precise tuning of an instrument is critical to a professional musician, a layman with an untrained ear cannot recognise the fine nuances and is, accordingly, less demanding. There are, then, personal frames of reference and we all set our own standards of acceptability. However, anyone who feels in the slightest that their life may be better, will benefit by realigning and tuning their energy fields to a finer resonance and finding the perfect pitch for them.
In their desire to improve the quality and/or length of their life, many individuals today are following inner guidance to cleanse themselves - not just on a physical level, but also on an emotional and mental level. They are eating less, preferably light food. Emotionally, they are also ‘processing’ and letting go of emotional baggage - emotions of fear, hate, guilt, worry, anxiety, anger etc. - which, when unresolved, are stored in the various organs of the physical body. This storage of negative emotion creates blockages in our energy fields and eventually disease. On a mental level, they are recognising the limitations imposed in our lives by negative thinking and how energy follows thought to create our reality.
Thoughts, words and actions are energy forms and whatever we send out comes back to us according to karmic law and the the Law of Resonance. This is the nature of energy: anything that life presents to us is there because we have attracted it to us by our vibrational frequency.
Positive thoughts, words and actions coupled with the intention to always act for the highest good of all beings plus the highest good of ourself, will change our resonance and consequently our experience of life.
How we can consciously go about realigning our vibrational frequency to be more in tune with the divine light beings, that we are in essence, is covered in greater detail throughout the following chapters. Briefly, one of the most powerful ways to tune our energy fields to their ‘perfect’ resonance is through meditation and spending daily time in the Great Silence within us. Apart from facilitating an effective energy realignment, meditation allows us to open to inner guidance - to learn to listen to the whispers of our Divine Self until the whispers become a strong clear voice. When acted upon, this guidance allows us to experience the joy and love and harmony that we seek in all aspects of our lives. Meditation aligns our spiritual, mental and emotional energy fields. This realignment is reflected in, and alters, our physical energy field or body.
Diet, eating lightly, drinking fresh pure water and engaging in gentle, stress-free exercise allows us to realign, rebuild and alter the energy field of the physical body daily and promote health, vitality and longevity; but none has the power of meditation when we maximise the intake of prana through specific breathing and allow the white light energy to heal and transform us.
We live in such a wondrous time - the dawning of a new age - and we have the capacity to create the reality that we desire simply by altering the energy signals we emit and by understanding the laws that govern all matter.
The above is chapter one of the e-book IN RESONANCE by Jasmuheen. It is available as an inexpensive e-book at
IN RESONANCE: Jasmuheen's second book is a manual for tuning and aligning ourselves into physical, emotional, mental and spiritual fitness so that we can create and enjoy a blissful life! Based on blending the ancient wisdom with quantum physics, 'In Resonance' covers 20 years of well-researched information plus many practical techniques to create positive change. In this comprehensive text Jasmuheen also provides basic to advanced meditations that include breath, light and sound work, plus creative visualisation to enhance self mastery. 'In Resonance' is a wonderful metaphysical manual for beginners and advanced students alike. With many practical meditations and tools, the book covers 20 years of well-researched information on the Ancient Wisdom, plus many practical techniques to create positive change from breath and light work to bi-location, universal law, and telepathic communication!

Monday, September 12, 2005


Journeys & Reflections
~ The Miracle of Love ~

Pure love’s magnetic architect,
for all creation, form directs,
amending versions to perfect.

Phoenix, Arizona March 2001: The circus continues. After spending February in India, the USA is my first stop of our third world tour in this millennium. It’s a beautiful spring day and I find myself meandering through the streets, plugged into my Walkman and listening to my favorite music - my usual way to stay tuned and in the zone.
Enjoying the morning sun on my way to the Yoga Conference, I find myself thinking about the magic and chaos of India, and the transient nature of life, how we can always count on change. I think about the cycles of birth and death and the search for quality living in between. I think about family, about those we love and those we continue to love even though they have moved on. Thoughts float through the rivers of my mind releasing memories long forgotten as an image of my mother surfaces, releasing feelings of nostalgia again.
I miss her.
In July 1994, in the early hours of the morning, this sweet and giving woman suffered a major heart attack. It was a phone call I had been dreading as a few months before both my parents lay in hospital debilitated by strokes.
When they were well enough, we sold their coastal home and moved them both into a beautiful retirement village where they could be self-sufficient but have help if needed. Bearing scars from the Second World War, and later the deaths of children, both had sailed into old age as gracefully as they knew how. I think they were both now ready to move on.
‘Your mother is dead.’ It was my father’s voice, he was obviously distraught and in shock. The silence on the phone line was numbing.
‘How?’ I whispered in shock.
‘I think it was her heart.’
‘Where is she?’ I managed to ask.
‘The ambulance has left; they've taken her to hospital. They tried to resuscitate her but I think she’s gone.’
‘Where are you?’
‘At home still, I have to go to the hospital.’ My big, brave father sounded like a lost, little boy.
‘I will be right over. Wait there, we’ll go together.’
I woke my teenage children so they would know where I was in the morning as leaving a note seemed much too cruel. They crawled into bed together and cried themselves back to sleep.
Losing loved ones is hard. It was their third grandparent to pass away in less than two years. Dealing with death is never easy, although the missing and wondering about how and where they are gradually lessens with time.
As I looked at her lifeless form lying in the hospital waiting to go to the morgue, she looked as though she was asleep. I hugged and kissed her, and gently stroked her hair away from her still beautiful face. As tears flowed, my heart already ached with the loss, and I felt the tinge of anger.
‘You can’t leave.’ I found myself selfishly whispering. ‘I still need you. We have so much to do.’
Somehow I knew she could hear me, that she just no longer had form. Time stood still, then reality returned and I left her with my blessings and prayers, assigning her a team of angels to make her journey light.
‘Can you contact her for me?’ was my father’s heartfelt plea as I later stood at their bedroom door.
‘I don’t know, Dad. I’m pretty emotional. It may create static on the line.’ Good telepathy needs clear channels.
‘Try ...’ he said quietly, ‘for me ... please try.’
‘Okay’ I said softly and closing the bedroom door, sat beside the mattress where she had breathed her last loud sigh.
‘Dear Mother, Father God let me talk to her, to see and feel her. Let this be so. Mother, mother come to me.’
I started to cry again, missing her already; unable to believe she was gone. As I breathed deeply and refocused, light slowly flooded into my mind until even brighter beams appeared in my peripheral vision. A tunnel of light opened and three beings began to take form.
My mother stood in the middle holding the hand of my niece who had died a few years before at the tender age of 25. They both looked well, happy, ageless.
I think my brother was on her right. It was hard to tell for it was two and a half decades since the road had claimed his young life. A car chase, drunken boys, pretty girls, the lure of lust driving them to a destiny completely unimagined. I still missed him and thought what he would be like older, with a family of his own, for we had always been close.
‘You look great.’ I said smiling at her, ignoring my sorrow and pain, so glad to connect.
‘It’s wonderful!’ she beamed. ‘Here there is no pain, I feel like a young girl again.’
She looked like she was thirty. Light radiated from all around her blinding me to the others. I told her how much I loved her and that I was glad she was happy to be free.
‘Tell him’ she said, knowing why I had called. ‘Tell him I love him. Tell him I will be here, that I will wait for him. Tell him there is no time here, a day, a year or ten, there is no difference. Tell him to come when he is ready. We’ll be together again. Tell him I am with him always, not to hurry.’
She faded slowly from my mind.
‘I love you. We all love you.’ I said. ‘We miss you.’
‘I’ll be there when you call’ were her parting words.
Our ‘love yous’ seemed to echo throughout time.
I sat in the stillness crying quietly until I could compose myself enough to rejoin my father and talk.
‘You know,’ he said later through his tears, his chin twitching with his pain, ‘we have a deal.’
‘You and mum?’
‘Yes.’ he smiled softly. ‘We said that whoever went first would make contact with the one who’s left behind. I can’t wait to see how she does it.’
‘Thank you.’ he said after pausing to regain his composure and feeling a tiny bit better.
‘We had a magic day yesterday.’ he began again finally needing to share.
‘We spent the day in bed, making love and talking. She kept saying how proud she was of you all. How she couldn’t have had better children. How you’re all so different yet special.’
We smiled and sat in silence with our hands wrapped around our steaming mugs of comfort coffee.
‘She said it would be best for her to die first. That I would cope better without her than she would without me.’
He bowed his head allowing the tears to flow.
‘I don’t think she’s right. I miss her already. It doesn’t feel right.’


A few nights later he sat straight up in bed, waves of love and light washing over him, pulsing through his body. Excited he jumped up.
‘Your mother is here! She’s making contact!’ he said, shaking awake my sleeping sisters who had come to be with him before the funeral.
‘Look!’ he said excitedly. ‘I can move my hand. I am healed, the stroke effects have disappeared.’
He picked up a pen and wrote freely with his previously stiffened and useless right hand.
‘Look I can write! It’s a miracle! Can you feel her?’
My sister said that he looked like a man possessed by some angelic force.
Although the outpouring and healing was temporary, the effect of her visit boosted his faith and took the last remnants of uncertainty away.

* * *

Seeing the power of love reach across the worlds like this, imprints the watcher with a sense of not just respect but awe, respect for what love represents - the bonding of souls so deeply that they find each other without form - and awe at the power love brings. This was illustrated to me deeply a few years later at a metaphysical retreat we had held in the south of France.
‘I’d like to share something with you.’ The small woman said after I had been guided to share a story of people who can leave their body at will; how some people can even visit their loved ones to make love, how being in or out of form, or separated by distance, are for some people no restriction.
‘I’ve never told anyone this before’ she said as her pale blue eyes sparkled with life. Her white hair was pulled into a pony tale that slightly stretched the skin on her 84 year old face making her look youthful again.
‘My husband and I were both Theosophists for many decades, we had a very close, loving and spiritual relationship for over 50 years.’ she said smiling wistfully as she recalled her past.
‘When he died, I missed him intensely and one night I had a dream that he came to me and slowly, joyously, we made love. It was so beautiful, so real, so fulfilling and....’ she paused as if a little embarrassed, ‘surprisingly when I woke, I had all the symptoms of having physically made love. At first I thought it impossible. How can he make such real physical contact?’ She paused again waiting to see my reaction.
‘How did you feel?’ I asked her.
‘Enchanted! Delighted! Amazed to experience that our love was strong enough to bring him to me, for after that he came weekly. It’s been over fifteen years! We would communicate in a way that went beyond telepathy yet at one point I told him that I was concerned that our affair could be holding him back, you know, from moving on to the next plane.’
‘What did he say?’
‘He said that he would come to see me for as long as I needed him to, that he could be there and here between the worlds. After a few years we agreed for him to come once a month as we both knew he had other work to do. He still comes, it feels so right, yet I’ve never felt I could share this with anyone – most people would think I am a deluded, lovesick old lady pining for her mate but after what you said today, I knew you’d understand. It’s so good to be able to finally share my little secret after all these years!’
I felt honored that she’d told me for stories like these are so wonderful to hear. A meditator for nearly sixty years, this sprightly, quick-witted woman comes to see me every time I come to France and travels half way around the world to be with her son and grandchildren. Full of love and vitality, her devotion to the Divine plus her healthy lifestyle imbues her with a great passion for life.

* * *

The feeling of love that my father and I felt in the Presence of my mother after her transition is one that will stay with us forever, firmly etched into our souls along with the understanding that love pervades all space, bonding us all through time. To me it was the same feeling that I experienced when I first began to consciously commune with the inner plane Masters, for the acceptance of their reality and Presence opened many hidden doors while simultaneously gifting me with the ability to be immersed in the depths of a boundless love. It was a feeling that somehow left its recipient satiated yet paradoxically wanting more.
Within two years of my mothers death, I began my life on the road.


The Science of it all:
I could say it was pure Grace that brought their Presence to my world, others would say it was divine destiny - a visionary’s call, yet overwhelmed by the novelty of it all, my training gifted me with detachment and discernment as I tested their channels and their claims. Not one to be easily impressed, I maintained a scientific view allowing explanations to surface by applying Universal Law. After all, I reasoned, the laws of science on earth were just a microcosm of a greater view, mirrored by a quantum world which science had only just begun to explore.
Max Plank, the father of Quantum Mechanics wrote, ‘The pioneer scientist must have a vivid intuitive imagination for new ideas are not generated by deduction, but by artistically creative imagination.’
Unfortunately for the seer with their views into higher realms, the bridges will remain obscured to those stuck in a left-brain world. Thus it has always been and is destined to remain, for the secrets of the universe can only be witnessed by those with the desire to tune their eyes to see and their hearts to feel. For the sensitive, the worlds can merge and when they do, the gifts revealed finally bring the answers to all our questions. Sages in India speak of the love and knowing brought by Tantra, a word meaning method or technique. While philosophy creates dogma and promotes idealistic thinking, only experience through tools deliver us the actual knowing of the field of the Holy Ones and Gods. To be in their Presence, or to be able to experience the presence of loved ones who have passed over and maintain contact, truly is a joy. Yet both are just part of fine-tuning ourselves so that the secrets of the Dimensional Biofield can be revealed.
As I travelled I found so many people in awe of those who have had experiences of Divine communion and revelation, yet the Divine speaks to us all in so many ways. Being able to bridge the worlds, whether to connect with a loved one who has crossed over, or receive inner guidance, is purely a matter of being open and sensitive enough to recognise and accept the field. The most perfect guide and bridge that we all have is the Master within us, our Divine One Within, the one I call our DOW, that purest, most perfect spark of Divine love and wisdom that exists in all atoms and space, the One that breathes us and gives us life. The first step in tuning to Its channel is a matter of desire.

The Perfect Action:
“I now surrender every cell of my being to the Divine One Within. I give my DOW permission to bring me into perfect alignment on all levels with my Divine Essence now. So it is! So it is! So it is!”
This is step one of accessing and aligning with our DOW.
The above is from the inexpensive e-book "DIVINE RADIANCE - On the Road with the Masters of Magic" by Jasmuheen. It can be downloaded in full at:
DIVINE RADIANCE : ON THE ROAD WITH THE MASTERS OF MAGIC: PUBLISHED APRIL 2002 Australian author Jasmuheen's sixteenth book, 'DIVINE RADIANCE : On the Road with the Masters of Magic', describes her life with, and the modern day teachings of, these amazing beings. She writes: "Somehow in the course of my life I have been blessed with both witnessing and experiencing pure Divine Radiance. Its rays of light seem supported by an underlying current of such Grace and majesty that all who behold or feel It are transformed. This is the nature of Its being. When the Radiance reveals Itself we are captured by Its Splendor as we intuitively recognize Its power. It has taken me decades to discover how when Its illumination enters our energy field, our bodies become irradiated by a laser beam of such perfect sustenance that all our appetites are fulfilled. For over 35 years I have searched for a way to bridge the ancient wisdom into pragmatic everyday time, a search that led me to discover a futuristic science. With this Biofield Science came the discovery of inner doorways, with vibrations and frequencies that act as keys. Inner plane time taught me how to open set doors that revealed the Supreme Radiance in all Its forms. This book is my attempt to describe Its delights.' An account of the life of the messengers of the Masters of Magic and stories written over 3 years as Jasmuheen travelled with these Holy Ones at her side to introduce the Divine Nutrition reality to the world. A 'heart' book filled with transformational tools and stories of Jasmuheen's interaction and experience with the ones she calls the Masters of Alchemy plus tips for improving our Divine Communication, Divine Revelations and more.USD$8.88 Add this book to shopping cart.

Friday, September 09, 2005


The Law of Love & the Lives of Miracles

All miracles are born from love,
Refinement beaming from above,
The messenger’s a snow-white dove.

In the 7th century A.D. a girl called Ho Hsien–Ku was born in China. It is said that at age 14 she became an immortal after meeting Lu Tung-Pin a Taoist Immortal who taught her the secrets of inner alchemy. After spending time with the great Chinese Goddess Hsi Wang Mu, she gained the ability to be able to nourish herself by feeding only on heavenly dew and the omnipresent chi force. Able to de and rematerialize at will, and often seen by the pure-hearted to be floating on rainbows, Ho Hsien-Ku still appears to the virtuous and the innocent, or to the oppressed people who are in need of divine intervention. She is now over 1,400 years old.

Is Ho Hsien-Ku’s story fact or fiction, is it a miracle or a metaphor?
Perhaps it is just a legend that like many is designed to stretch our imagination and open us up to greater fields of possibility. Perhaps these are the types of attributes that we receive when we fully understand the Law of Love.

At the end of 2002, I found myself at the cross roads of choice, a place where you intuitively know that you are about to shift gears and go in another direction.
For some this is a scary place to be.
To others it is exciting.
For me it was intriguing.
I knew that I had finally completed an intense decade of a time where all the astrological forces working with me had supported me to launch the Divine Nutrition Program onto the global stage. I also knew that a new chapter in my journey was soon to begin.
On one level, my personal journey in expanding my own boundaries has been limited as it has taken me nearly 11 years to explore and adjust to the “no food, no sleep” Freedom game and to also take all our personal experiential research to the global stage and to try to present it in a way where others may grasp the miracle of it all. Here we have gathered thousands of like minded people, Freedom seekers like me who are active in the game of either seeking or making miracles.
Sometimes I have taken three steps forward then two backwards as I’ve learnt the operation of the fields and how to utilize their inner and outer energy flows to my maximum potential and enjoy the state of Shamanic Ecstasy. All of it has been invaluable. Still, 11 years is a long time to explore something fully – to live it, to deal with the repercussions of the choice and to also provide enough educational data to be free from ignorance and its fears.
It hasn’t been an easy path, for there have been no manuals to read, no set guidelines to follow and no obvious rules, until at last we came to understand the science of the fields which means understanding how the energy flow within and around us can be altered by our will and thought and action. It is said that science comes when a model can be duplicated and repeated so if miracles can be found to be based on a model then they too can be repeated and be known as science.
In the metaphysical sense what we will discuss in this manual is a form of Shamanic shape-shifting that is based on the reality that every human biosystem is driven by Divine DNA codes that support us into Freedom. These codes form a part of our nature that our culture and our cyclical human experience seem to have overridden and hidden, veiling the Freedom codes deep within us, where they lie dormant until we ask for more. And in the asking something shifts to give birth to miracle seekers, the ones that are driven to remember these codes.
There are things that some people accept as normal – like war and dis-ease - while others see these as unnecessary, as anomalies in the field, things that can be retuned via the shifting of energy into a more harmonious beat.
Yet in order to have external harmony we need to have internal and so at the end of 2002, I was called to rearrange my external life so that my internal life could come into another level of harmony that would bring a new level of freedom to my world.
All I could feel, as I set about rearranging my life, was this over powering need for freedom particularly to explore more of the inner planes and the limitless realm of the One that breathes and gives me life, the One I call my DOW. All I kept hearing was an inner voice guiding me to explore more of the Law of Love and so I listened and began a new chapter as the watcher of, and the dancer with, the law of Love.

A decade or so ago when I was writing the book “In Resonance”, I was guided to research and add a chapter on Universal Laws of which I found around twenty eight. What I also found is that all of these Laws were subtle or refined expressions of the Law of Oneness – which states that everything is interconnected and hence all parts inter-relate and what affects one part, affects the whole.
What drives or feeds the Law of One, is the Law of Love.

The Law of Love states that all life, all atoms, all molecules, all energy fields have come into existence due to the Love of the original force of creation. It also states that when we treat all life with love, honor and respect as if It is part of us, then the Law of Love will magnetize us to Its river of Grace and embrace us back into Itself as one of Its own.
The Law of Love finds the seekers of miracles and Its Grace teaches us how to recognize, enjoy and also how to create them. And in the experiencing of these miracles we find ourselves already made perfect and also free.

According to the Catholic Encyclopedia, miracles are said to be wonders performed by supernatural powers, a sign or an expression of a special gift and explicitly assigned to God. Coming from the Latin word ‘miracula’ the witnessing of miracles usually promotes awe or excitement as the act is seen to come from Divine Grace.
Some say that the wonder of a miracle is in the fact that its cause is hidden and its effect is unexpected, hence it is something extraordinary. To me there are expressions all around us of both minor and major miracles. Both types can place the watcher into a state of “wow this is incredible!” a state of appreciation and awe where our heart is touched and opened. Watching the birth of a child is like watching a miracle be born, watching the sun rise and set each day and the colors that are magically beamed across the sky, these to me are minor miracles, explained by science, yes, part of nature yes, and worthy of our praise and appreciation.
Life to me is a miracle, even just the science of it – our blueprint of genetics and our potential for higher expression; the way that atoms and molecules move through space and time to provide matter for this blueprint. The depth and range of emotions that we can access; the limitless thinking capabilities that we possess along with the tools to manifest whatever is our hearts desire - the whole human mechanism to me is a miracle of divine expression, especially more so when we begin our journey of discovering what else is locked away within us.
The path of freedom and the gifts that adherence to the Law of Love reveals, can often be seen as miraculous.
\ Is a major miracle just something that as yet is unexplained, seeming to express a higher, more divine connection?
\ If so then each human being contains within them, major miracles just waiting for expression.
\ Yet what if each major miracle can be explained?
\ Then it becomes simply the science of life, a process that is perhaps governed by something as basic as the Law of Love.

In the time of the Christ it is said that water was turned into wine, that loaves of bread multiplied themselves so that one loaf could feed the many, that the sick were healed and the believer’s were risen from the dead. All of these were classified as major miracles and it was not until Jesus began to perform these miracles that his ministry was noticed. It was not just his words that touched the hearts of his people but also his ‘miraculous’ deeds yet were they really miracles or were they just examples of how the universal forces respond to someone who has anchored themselves in the heart of compassion and love?
In the metaphysical world the molecules of matter exist because of the Law of Love and they are programmed to respond to this law and can thus be commanded or invited into rearranging themselves in a myriad of ways. Water can gather the elements from the atmosphere around it and by changing the energy mix of these elements, be transformed into wine. A loaf of bread can duplicate itself by using those same elements. Both acts need to be directed by a power that has great belief in its own command and mastery to create such things, a power aware of and living by the Law of Love.
The question is also not so much “how can these miracles happen?” but why have we forgotten how to work in this way? Remember how Jesus said in the Gospel of Mathew: ‘The things I do, You shall do and even greater’.
Is the skill of doing this just restricted to those who possess ancient secret knowledge or the shape-shifting Shaman of our world?
What does it take for the molecules and atoms in a human biological system, to rearrange themselves, or release within themselves, a different mix of elements? A mix of air, earth, fire, water, astral light, akasa and cosmic fire – a mix of seven elements that govern our existence, a mix that can be rearranged within us to produce what appear to be miracles. All life is made of these elements and all elements contain consciousness and all are birthed because of, and respond to, the Law of Love. The how and why of it all we will look at more deeply throughout this journal as we shape-shift ourselves into a freer level of being.
Miracles have a life that can be activated, they have a purpose and they have a time. They have a path of unfoldment and the way they trigger this path is embedded in every atom in the core of the consciousness that allows it its existence, a consciousness that is a Divine DNA code that is driven by the mathematics of the Law of Love.

And so it was that I began the year of 2003 living in a wonderful beach side apartment that I had turned into my own personal ashram, a sacred space that reverberated with such amazing levels of harmony and that demonstrated the power of love in action. Self love means listening to the voice of our DOW, applying its guidance and trusting that any transformation we are inspired to enter into is perfect for us, and so began a new time in my life.

The above is Chapter one of THE LAW OF LOVE by Jasmuheen. An inexpensive e-book you can download this from:

THE LAW OF LOVE: An extensive 238 A4 page manual filled with powerful life transforming meditations which also details the Ancient Taoist Masters techniques for Immortality plus Futurstic Science tools of Inter-Dimensional Matrix Mechanics for Jasmuheen's Freedom from Human Limitation Agenda. This research covers freedom from the need to age or create dis-ease; freedom from the to take food or liquid as we learn how to create a self sustaining bio-system; freedom to express our Divine nature and all its gifts and tested methods for determining our personal readiness levels for these freedoms!

Tuesday, September 06, 2005


A Practical and Joyous Proposal of Peace.
Let us

A lot of people are saying “We don’t want war!’
Why wait for our world leaders, when we can unify and co-create peace now?
By eliminating the causes of violence and terrorism.

‘The Madonna Frequency’ PLANETARY PEACE PROGRAM was given to Jasmuheen in October 2002, in response to the USA – Iraq and Middle East situations, and the general disharmony facing earth’s people at this time. As millions protest the use of violence to combat global terrorism, it has become obvious that with a shift of focus a more positive outcome can be obtained. We know in metaphysics that what we focus on becomes real, for our energy feeds it. If we focus on fear, on war, that becomes our reality but if we shift this focus to “What can we do that is positive and beneficial for all?” then a new reality can begin.

For deep and ever lasting peace, this shift must now be towards
eradicating the very causes that create violence and global terrorism.
This means ceasing to focus on retribution and war,
since our governments will do what they will do whether we like it or not.
Yes we can protest but we need to do more!

Do not underestimate people power, particularly when each person
is focused on and radiating ‘The Madonna Frequency’.
When we are in ‘The Madonna Frequency’ Field we have the
power, the love and the wisdom to unify and harmoniously
change the course of history.

This means providing AID that creates
health and happiness, peace and prosperity for all.
This means delivering AID packages and empowering tools
in a compassionate and loving manner. When we are all tuned
to the incorruptible channel of Divine Love, Divine Wisdom and Divine Power, anything is possible. Co-creating peace really is up to us.

By utilizing our will, our intention, specific programming codes plus
a powerful day-to-day lifestyle that keeps us tuned and in the Madonna Zone, we can unify and achieve great things. The time is now!

According to our research at the Self Empowerment Academy, all war and violence comes from a deep hunger for a source of nourishment that will allow us to all feel fulfilled. I have discovered that the nourishment that we all seek is ‘The Madonna Frequency’ Field.
Because it is infinitely wise, and more than that, it is loving and patient and compassionate, and available and free, and powerful enough to tip our world into a permanent state of peace by providing enough nurturing to satisfy all our physical, emotional, mental and spiritual hungers.

We have dwelt within a patriarchal society for over 8 thousand years and this is now coming to an end. The downside of this patriarchal society has brought with it options of war and violence and aggression – attributes that are common in a predominantly masculine field. The matriarchal energy brings love, wisdom, compassion, mercy, sympathy, empathy and other qualities that our planet now needs to come into a balanced state of peace which will come when we address the reasons that cause terrorism and war.

Everybody is hungry for something. Some hunger for war, for revenge and retribution. Some hunger for family, for loving relationships, or for wealth or health and youth or even immortality. Others hunger for peace or enlightenment, which requires us to tap into the vast energy resources that we all hold within. This untapped source is what I have come to call the DOW. Our DOW or Divine One Within is an all powerful, all loving, all knowing field of Divine Intelligence that breathes us, loves us, guides us, heals us and even nurtures us on all levels if we are open. More importantly DOW Power is the only thing every one of us has in common and when we work with it and let it guide us we have access to an incorruptible network of Divine Power.

If we think that it is time to put violence behind us and re-harmonize ourselves into peace, then our personal support of ‘The Madonna Frequency’ PLANETARY PEACE PROGRAM and Its Projects and use of DOW Power, can bring us into a place of deep and lasting peace.

However, this is something we must choose now.
We need to see ourselves as One People who wish to live in harmony on One Planet and we need to unify with one loud resounding voice that says to the Universal Intelligence that surrounds us…

“We accept peace now and we love it. We accept peace now and we honour it. We accept peace now and we respect it.”
Chant this 3 times with sincerity and conviction.


‘The Madonna Frequency’ Projects 1 to 9:
Project 1: To healthily feed, clothe, comfortably shelter and provide Holistic Education for our earth's people by 2012.
Project 2: The adoption of RECIPE 2000> as a Holistic education program into all educational institutions as a positive Life-skills tool for positive personal and global transformation
Project 3: To provide Divine Nutrition for all who want it and hence eliminate hunger and health problems on earth. To be done via a) the effective use of media and b) holistic education programs (see project 2).
Project 4: The elimination of poverty and hunger in all countries via the specific support of the Divine Nutrition Research Projects. Test Country : India
Project 5: The elimination of global health and hunger challenges via our specific DIVINE NUTRITION : Pills or Prana "eat less, live longer" Project.
Project 6: The Revision of International Agreements and Trade Treaties and practices to ensure that they operate for the good of all.
Project 7: The elimination of poverty and violence in all third world countries via Projects no. 2 and no. 6. Test Country : Brazil
Project 8: The Creation of Peace in areas of Conflict using the perfect resolution program. Test Country/s : The Middle East
Project 9: The I.R.S. Program - To officially Instigate, Record and Summarize humanity’s co-creation of paradise.
Projects 2 to 9 are all part of the main agenda of Project no. 1 but they each utilize different approaches and have specific programs attached. Projects 4 and 5 are part of Project 3.
‘The Madonna Frequency’ Projects are designed to shift our focus from war to co-creating practical peace. If we eliminate the causes of violence and terrorism, via our unified and focused effort, we will create planetary peace. It is up to us to change our focus and change our future.
Namaste Jasmuheen
‘The Madonna Frequency’ Planetary Peace Project
involves a 4 part alignment and action plan.

Part I - Agreements and Programming Codes that are made between you and the intelligent universe that surrounds us and see us as Gods in form.
i.e. this is our commitment.

Part II – Are the Questions we need to ask, the Attitudes we need to adopt and the Attributes that ‘The Madonna Frequency’ imbues us with.

Part III - Requires our united focus on 9 Peace Projects that if attended to will eliminate the causes of violence and terrorism in our world.
(see over for details)

Part IV - RECIPE 2000 >. A Lifestyle and Programming package that will keep us tuned as individuals, to the frequency of love, wisdom and compassion, so that we can always be perfectly aligned and take the perfect action to create, then to keep our world in peace.
Let us co-create with joy and ease and Grace …

The GRACE of ‘The Madonna Frequency’

Grace is an energy that is attracted to us when we flood our systems with the cosmic electricity of Divine Love and Divine Wisdom and Divine Power.
Grace brings magic and synchronicity and joy, a feeling that everything is flowing perfectly, unfolding perfectly driven by some Divinely orchestrated beat. Grace is the feminine principle, the cosmic mother of nurturing love that supports and soothes creation.

For this FREE e-book by Jasmuheen (also available in various languages) go to:

Saturday, September 03, 2005


To successfully co-create paradise on earth we need:
1) To be clear about what we really want for ourselves, our children, our future. We need to have Visions & to make Decisions to attain what we desire / require and we need to reprioritize our resources agenda.
2) We also need to have good Solutions that will provide the Outcomes that we desire, outcomes that are beneficial to all.
3) We also need good Support Systems and conscious aware Colleagues to co-create with us plus enough resources.


For our dreams and higher visions to be made manifest, we must take time to think about what we want.

What do we want for ourselves, for our loved ones, for our future? Once we have honestly assessed our own lives to determine what we want, it is then recommended that we look to see if our belief systems and wants are also beneficial to the world.

Questions worth asking are:
v Do we, and how we live our lives, have a beneficial impact on the whole?
v b) Is this idea of global harmony & happiness a reality and if so how can it be attained so that WE ARE ALL healthy & happy, peaceful and prosperous?
v What is Paradise? Before we can determine IF and HOW we can CREATE PARADISE FOR ALL; we need to ask ourselves WHAT IS PARADISE?
v Is Paradise a Utopian state where all beings live in a manner where all their needs are met, from our basic human rights, to our higher dreams and goals?

This means being honest with ourself, spending silent time in contemplation... evaluation... assessing our joy factor in life...

Years of touring have taught me that regardless of our race, religion, gender or culture, all human beings basically want the same things. We all want love, health, wealth, passion and purpose and great relationships with family and friends. When we feel fulfilled on all levels of our own being, we become more compassionate and more aware of how we spend our time. In Biofield Science, attaining fun and also fulfilment is just a matter of biofield refinement. We covered personal biofield tuning in detail in BB1, in this book we look at the Dimensional field.

I have long been fascinated by the tweaking and twirling of fields. I like the idea of living among intelligent life forms in galaxies throughout time, an idea that appeals to the ‘trekker’s heart’ in all. Tuning the Global Biofield to the paradise channel happens automatically as we become physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually fit. It also means understanding both the ancient wisdom held within esoteric teaching which encourages the correct use of will at all times, and our commitment to impeccable behaviour and acceptance and demonstration of our mastery. Thankfully millions no longer choose to suffer for our divine birth right and now simply rise to claim it.

A simple program or decree is:
v “On behalf of all Paradisians in the world I now reclaim my right to live in paradise. I now reclaim full experience of my divine nature and allow it to guide me into the successful re-creation of paradise, for all, by all, with all.”
Chant the above three times with sincerity, again knowing that our DOW – the Divine One Within - is all powerful, all knowing, all loving everywhere within us and without. Knowing that all is one and interconnected. Knowing that good is drawn to good and virtue to virtue.

It’s been a fascinating journey choosing the realities that I have, especially given what I have now come to know. To witness very visible forces in action in our lives when we enter certain fields is sometimes revelational, and always comes with a rush of something akin to awe. In my innernet C.N.N. wanderings I have seen so many futures.

Within the Dimensional Biofield once lay the field that Nostradamus saw, yet when it was revealed, the revelation prompted an awakening and change. Thanking him for his warning, enough of the status quo have now changed their personal field, thus consciously altering the Social Biofield which has, in turn, imprinted all biofields and changed channels into a less catastrophic reality. The universal forces speak to us via sign which, like dreams, only the viewer can intrepret. There are so many meanings in life and layerss and viewpoints and shades of gray and it all blends together to form a cosmic soup of chaos that mirrors the predominant view.

Slowly over time with quite determination, the faithful have gathered and grown from sharing their visions and dreams, and nearly every city on earth now holds an etheric replica of itself blossoming in a higher form. This represents an idealistic “never could have happened but it did” type of nostalgic utopia, of a vision that we can watch being born.

The great news is that the etheric and earth cities are now in the process of merging, as more and more individuals surf via the innernet through the C.N.N.* Biofields and more are feeling fulfilled as more contentedness and fun is coming back to their life. Health is improving amongst the educated elderly, and for the first time ever our spending on alternative therapies is greater than on the orthodox way, and more people are open to holistic therapies and holistic lifestyles.

Western interest in yoga and meditation is increasing yet, as the ancient mystery schools have always elected to keep their wisdom and tuning tools secret, the Dimensional Biofield has been shrouded for so long. It has only been in the last few decades that their doors have open to those interested.


As discussed in BB1, RECIPE 2000> with its re-programming tools, has the potential to eliminate all war, all violence, all poverty, all hunger and social injustice, as it transforms people into more compassionate and altruistic beings. It also allows us access to the one power every human being has in common - DOW POWER.

Book 1, FOUR-BODY-FITNESS : BIOFIELDS & BLISS covers accessing DOW POWER for personal biofield and global tuning and offers RECIPE 2000> with its programming codes and lifestyle program, as a solution that will create the outcome that benefits all. The lifestyle program includes a daily diet of meditation, prayer, programming with mind mastery, vegetarian diet, exercise, service, time in silence in nature and the use of chanting, mantras and devotional song. This 8-step lifestyle program keeps us all tuned to the perfect channels for positive manifestation and creation.
The OUTCOME, of course, is PARADISE. Try it and see.

So once we are all well tuned and know how to stay that way, the next step is to join forces with others so that our visions and dreams can merge and grow and become the dominant force in the global field - for the dominant force determines the mass reality and also has the power to alter the status quo.


Once we have decided what we want, and that we want our lives to make a positive difference, we come into the realm of service. Harmonizing this planet cannot be done by sheer intellect or desire alone. We need both. We also need to all plug consciously in to the never ending Source of love and wisdom and power, the Cosmic Computer that many call God. When we do this via our DOW, we can be guided as one harmonious group to co-create beneficially with all, for all. We just need to fine-tune, and synchronise and harmonise, our channels which we achieve by using RECIPE 2000> and by using specific programs and commands.

DOW Command: "I ask my DOW to bring me all my support crew NOW, my earth team, my cosmic colleagues PLUS all the resources we need to fulfil our parts in the Paradise Plan NOW. We ask that when we meet, we complete all our karmic learning with joy and ease and grace."
CHANT with sincerity 3 times KNOWing that our DOW is all-powerful and will serve us lovingly as we serve for the greater good.

Metaphysicians and Dimensional Biofield Technicians, know that any plan for change requires a strong foundation. In Biofield Science there are three predominant frequency streams that form the basis of all energy work and grids.
These are:
1) the divine love channel;
2) the divine wisdom channel;
3) the divine power channel.

When these three streams merge they form the violet light spectrum that also carries Divine Nutrition. Each stream of this light is filled with bio-photons or pure particle protons, neutrons and electrons that carry base DNA patterns for an atom in its pre-cell form. Combined they magnify to pulse the freedom beat throughout the fields. Complete free will, the freedom for limitless expression. This is the “think it, see it, perceive it, receive it” field that springs from the mind of intelligent creation quite naturally. It is also a field based on mathematical codes that are a sequencing of rhythms and pulses and sounds that differentiate themselves within different layers of a crystalline grid of rainbow colour. Activation of our 6th an d7th senses removes the veils between the conscious mind and universal mind, allowing us to be more creative and experience the limitless nature of DOW power.

The blueprint behind creation is an energy matrix, a light grid of such splendour, that to witness life be born upon it, and nurtured within it, and be absorbed back into it, is a pleasure that leaves its observer dumbstruck, free of words. Held within this matrix is a pre-encoded grid of paradise, with a set frequency that can be matched into. The codes to do this are part of RECIPE 2000>. (

Regarding the co-creation of paradise agenda, a metaphysical question may be:
“What makes you think you have solution to end all suffering?” (see BB3), or
“What about karma, and not interfering with people’s learning cycles in time?” Those open to tantric realities say,
“There is nothing to fix, everything is perfect and unfolding as it should.”

So the answers to these questions depends on whether we take the yogic view of duality, or the Taoist Tantra view of Oneness and we discuss these views in more detail later.

It is true that there exists a channel where everything when viewed and seen is perfection itself, where all is unfolding in perfect cycles of time and timelessness, a frequency that all draws back into Itself. This is a channel that exists beyond all mind, that on one level cannot be appreciated except by the imprint that It leaves deep within you when you merge into Its presence, leaving mental cognition at its door. It is true that the yogis call this merging and being in this space the ultimate reality.

It is true that karmic learning is a natural cycle in time, and it is also true that choices can be made to complete all learning with joy and ease and grace. It is also true that earth’s civilization is now becoming more civilized as we finally begin to discuss and recognize what true civility is.

Happiness, fun and fulfillment cannot be achieved for us, we have to create these ourselves as individuals, yet health, peace and prosperity can be aided by group and individual focus and attention.

According to Biofield Science, the human species has been encoded with all the power of creative Gods and for eons of time we have explored the free will game of creating whatever, we as individuals focused on the ‘I’, have wished. Now it is time to create while focused on the ‘we’, which will ensure that what we create is beneficial for all. At least this is our invitation.

Apart from tuning our personal Biofields to the paradise channel, and being living examples, and influencing the fields via our innernet time and frequency, a Dimensional Biofield Technician may be drawn to be a more active voice in world affairs to perhaps become and Ambassador for Peace.

Having been a Peace Ambassador for what sometimes feels like an eternity, I have spent the last 3 decades, assessing and experimenting with the fields, in view of positive global tuning. The results of this and my recommendations are covered in detail in the free e-book – BB3.

The above is from the inexpensive e-book "CO-CREATING PARADISE - Biofields & Bliss" by Jasmuheen. It can be downloaded in full at:

BOOK 2: CO-CREATING PARADISE: BIOFIELDS & BLISS: Covering the Dimensional Biofield Science of fine-tuning our Social and Global Biofields to create paradise on earth, this book offers simple and powerful tools for positive personal & global transformation.
It also provides a synopsis of religions, the ancient wisdom and quantum principles plus self-empowerment and peace tools.

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Four Body Fitness - Biofields & Bliss

Basic Biofield Introduction

FOUR BODY FITNESS is a term used to describe the health of our physical, emotional, mental and spiritual energy fields or being.

A Biofield is the space within and around our bodies, within and around the planet, and also the space within and around the universe. It is the space created and inhabited by living organisms. The study of this and the study of the interaction of the electric, magnetic and thermal fields with living matter, is basic Biofield Science. The purpose of this book is to share that while Biofields resonate at set frequencies, their frequency 'keynote' can be altered consciously at will and in a way that will benefit us all.

BLISS is described in the Oxford Dictionary as being: 'perfect joy or happiness; blessedness; being in heaven.' If the Recipes and Programs covered in the following pages are applied we can all experience complete fulfillment and harmony on earth. This is neither New Age or Religious dreaming. BIOFIELD BLISS is the outcome of holistic education based on RECIPE 2000â which incorporates the Four Body Fitness principles.

BIOFIELD SCIENCE : is the art of successful living and is based on four principles:
These are ...
1. That there is a Force that is all powerful, all knowing, and everywhere, including within us.
2. That this Force is a Supreme System of loving Intelligence that acts like a Master Computer Controller within us. I call this Force the DOW - the Divine One Within.
3. That this Force can be experienced and worked with to bring extraordinary results for humanity at this time.
4. That our body is a bio-computer and our mind is a software program and that, via Biofield Laws, we literally create our own reality.

In the following pages we will share our research, offer tested tools and programming codes and invite everyone to bring the bliss back into life on earth. People who work with Biofield Science are called Biofield Technicians, and it is their programming to study the inter-relationships of the fields and their impact on human life. They are also often called Metaphysicians, a word meaning the someone who studies the science of life. A metaphysician usually focuses on Dimensional Biofield Science.

I commenced my fascinating journey with Four Body Fitness in 1964 yet only began my training in Biofield Science in the early nineties after more than two intense decades of experiential metaphysical exploration. Through it all I looked for an understanding that would remove the mysticism from the Divine and bridge metaphysics back to quantum science. I believe that Biofield Science is this bridge. Jeff and I have more than 70 years of Biofield research behind us as we began our FOUR BODY FITNESS training around the same time.

Regardless of our personal history every one wants similar things : love, health, wealth, passion and purpose in life, good relationships with family and friends … the list goes on yet the basic desires are the same.

Albert Einstein once said: 'I want to know the thoughts of God, the rest are just details. The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift.'

This book is for those who wish to remember and enjoy the gift.

The adoption of Recipe 2000 â allows us to consciously retune our Personal Biofield. This occurs as a natural consequence of the Luscious Lifestyles Program - the L.L.P. and the use of specific Codes. As keys to the Dimensional Biofield and its zone called Paradise, each step offers benefits beyond compare and will be explored further in this manual. The combination of the 8 point lifestyle and Codes is dynamic, releasing vibrations through our Biofield that retune it back to our original beat. Here we are healthy, happy and running high on life, we feel loved and enthusiastic and can enjoy our journey.

All we can give you is a hint of what life is like
for those who apply Recipe 2000â.
We can also share about the benefits and how to use the tools.

As we gather around the world, Biofield retuning has become a priority for all. Biofield Science requires us to be conscious of Universal Laws, which govern the Higher Light Science, of which BIOFIELD SCIENCE is just a part. Successful Biofield tuning also requires us to be clear regarding what we want both personally and globally. Clarity of vision is a must for successful manifestation.

The Four Body Fitness System:

· The Four Body Fitness System is a method of gaining physical, emotional, mental and spiritual health.
· Using a set recipe, FOUR BODY FITNESS can be achieved in a relatively short time as the human body completely regenerates itself every 2.5 years. We make a new liver every 6 weeks, a new skin once a month, a new stomach lining every 5 days, and we didn’t have our current skeleton 3 months ago. The brain cells we think with weren’t there a year ago. Even our DNA raw material is totally replaced every 6 weeks. A complete new body, is created, down to every atom, every 2.5 years.
· Four Body Fitness creates a well tuned Personal Biofield that allows the practitioner to experience both quality and quantity living. This then impacts on the Social and Planetary fields.
· Four Body Fitness is achieved by our lifestyle choice and thinking patterns and is covered further in the Personal Biofield tuning section.

The 5 Main Biofield Types:

In Biofield Science there are 5 predominant Biofield types. In order to successfully interact with duo, family, group and global Biofields, we need to be more aware of each type as the Fields will be referred to throughout this manual. How each is affected or operates will be elaborated on as we go.

BIOFIELD 1. Our Personal Biofield : This field is comprised of the energy pulsing from our physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies which each radiate a specific frequency. This frequency is determined by imprinting. When the frequency of each body is combined, we radiate a specific key-note which according to Bio-Science Laws then imprints itself into all the below fields.

BIOFIELD 2. Our Social Biofield : this field contains the individual frequency emission made by our family, friends, colleagues. It is the community's Biofields. A Social Biofield occurs any time two or more people share space as their Personal Biofields will intermingle and merge.

BIOFIELD 3. Our Global Biofield : This is the synthesis of all Biofields on earth from the mineral and Devic kingdoms, the plant and animal kingdoms, the human kingdoms plus the inner plane kingdoms.

BIOFIELD 4. Our Cosmological Biofield : This field pertains to the resonance of the solar, galactic and universal systems and is the field of study of astronomers, quantum physicists and some metaphysicians. Its flavor is added to by the Global Biofield.

BIOFIELD 5. The Dimensional Biofield : Also known as the virtual field, this is a field of great interest to many metaphysicians. This is the field from which religion and the Higher Light Science has been born.

The book FOUR BODY FITNESS : BIOFIELDS & BLISS deals primarily with the first three types of Biofields. My next book "GLOBAL UNITY : BIOFIELDS & BLISS" will deal with all five and focus primarliy on the harmonious coexistence of the personal, planetary biofields by using dimensional biofield techniques.

Biofield Grids:

Biofield Grids are the foundation of Dimensional Biofield Science and more grid information, and how it applies to FOUR BODY FITNESS, is covered in that section.

· A Biofield Grid is a web of light rays and sound waves that carry Coded Information.
· Biofield Grids surround, and are woven through all life forms.
· In the human bio-system, the grid is anchored as a supporting foundation. In Biofield Science this inner grid is called the Lightbody and its physical operating system are our meridians.
· Biofield Grids operate via energy transmissions that are governed by Universal Law.
· Biofield Grids and their subsequent transmission signals can be harmonized, or overhauled and completely retuned, by the application of RECIPE 2000 â.

Dimensional Biofield Science:

· This science is the study of Dimensional subtleties and attributes which provides the analytical understanding of BIOFIELD SCIENCE. By studying the Personal, Social and Global Biofields we can determine each one's effectiveness. If in need of retuning we can then decide how to recalibrate it and to what frequency adjustments need to be made.

· This adjustment is a natural part of Dimensional Science. To do this successfully we need an holistic understanding which provides the sensitivity required to do this harmoniously. Biofield adjustments can range from subtle imprints to waves that shake up a field in a way that is as devastating in its consequences as a volcanic shift on earth. For example, a nuclear explosion on earth would have an impact on not only the Global Biofield but also on the Universal and Dimensional Fields. A subtle shift in the Biofields would come from a very happy event like a wedding or family reunion.

Biofield Influences:

· Once we have taken the time to discover what we want then we need to examine our personal Biofield and examine its effectiveness and the influences that determine its current beat.
· A Biofield beat consists of four main influences, our physical, emotional, mental and spiritual vibration and their frequency mix. This frequency mix and the way it influences our Personal, Social and Global Biofield is the basis of FOUR BODY FITNESS.
· Obviously someone who believes they are just their physical, emotional and mental body, will have a very different Biofield beat to someone who operates within Four Body Fitness system of holisitc knowledge. For example the Biofield of a yogi or priest is very different to that of a heavy metal musician.
· Biofields are influenced powerfully by subliminal conditioning and humans are conditioned consciously and subconsciously from birth, by our home life, at school, via society and the media.
· Biofields are also influenced by our food choice, lifestyle and thinking and feeling patterns. Quality thinking, quality feeling and quality feeding create a more refined, quality Biofield.
· Biofields can also be influenced by expansion of Creative Thinking and use of THINKING TOOLS.

How Recipe 2000â will tune the Fields:

Recipe 2000> is a two edged sword - not only does it provide us with a way of successfully refining our Personal, Social and Global Biofields, but once experienced it provides us with concrete reasons as to why we should keep doing it and why inspiring others to apply it will create a harmonious global family and a fabulous future for us all.

In order to appreciate how powerful these can be, we need to look at the capacity of the human organism, particularly the human brain as re-programming requires the conscious rewiring of our brain's neural pathways.
This is covered in detail under Part 4 : Biofield Technicians.

Successful retuning of the different Biofield types requires our desire to create positive change and also some basic metaphysical skills that are designed to activate our 6th and 7th senses of intuition and knowing.

The above is from the inexpensive e-book "Four Body Fitness - Biofields & Bliss by Jasmuheen. It can be downloaded in full at:

BOOK 1: FOUR BODY FITNESS : BOOK 1 of the Biofields & Bliss Series: FOUR BODY FITNESS : BIOFIELDS & BLISS is Jasmuheen's seventeenth book. BLISS is described in the Oxford Dictionary as being : perfect joy or happiness; blessedness; being in heaven. If the Recipes and Programs covered in this book are applied we can all experience complete fulfillment and harmony on earth. This is neither New Age or Religious dreaming, BIOFIELD BLISS is the outcome of holistic education based on RECIPE 2000> which incorporates the Four Body Fitness principles. FOUR BODY FITNESS : Biofields & Bliss is a simple, pragmatic manual that is designed to bring us all into a state of both personal and global paradise. To be achieved by using Biofield Science, this system of operation deals with environmental field control and can be applied with fast results.