Friday, September 09, 2005


The Law of Love & the Lives of Miracles

All miracles are born from love,
Refinement beaming from above,
The messenger’s a snow-white dove.

In the 7th century A.D. a girl called Ho Hsien–Ku was born in China. It is said that at age 14 she became an immortal after meeting Lu Tung-Pin a Taoist Immortal who taught her the secrets of inner alchemy. After spending time with the great Chinese Goddess Hsi Wang Mu, she gained the ability to be able to nourish herself by feeding only on heavenly dew and the omnipresent chi force. Able to de and rematerialize at will, and often seen by the pure-hearted to be floating on rainbows, Ho Hsien-Ku still appears to the virtuous and the innocent, or to the oppressed people who are in need of divine intervention. She is now over 1,400 years old.

Is Ho Hsien-Ku’s story fact or fiction, is it a miracle or a metaphor?
Perhaps it is just a legend that like many is designed to stretch our imagination and open us up to greater fields of possibility. Perhaps these are the types of attributes that we receive when we fully understand the Law of Love.

At the end of 2002, I found myself at the cross roads of choice, a place where you intuitively know that you are about to shift gears and go in another direction.
For some this is a scary place to be.
To others it is exciting.
For me it was intriguing.
I knew that I had finally completed an intense decade of a time where all the astrological forces working with me had supported me to launch the Divine Nutrition Program onto the global stage. I also knew that a new chapter in my journey was soon to begin.
On one level, my personal journey in expanding my own boundaries has been limited as it has taken me nearly 11 years to explore and adjust to the “no food, no sleep” Freedom game and to also take all our personal experiential research to the global stage and to try to present it in a way where others may grasp the miracle of it all. Here we have gathered thousands of like minded people, Freedom seekers like me who are active in the game of either seeking or making miracles.
Sometimes I have taken three steps forward then two backwards as I’ve learnt the operation of the fields and how to utilize their inner and outer energy flows to my maximum potential and enjoy the state of Shamanic Ecstasy. All of it has been invaluable. Still, 11 years is a long time to explore something fully – to live it, to deal with the repercussions of the choice and to also provide enough educational data to be free from ignorance and its fears.
It hasn’t been an easy path, for there have been no manuals to read, no set guidelines to follow and no obvious rules, until at last we came to understand the science of the fields which means understanding how the energy flow within and around us can be altered by our will and thought and action. It is said that science comes when a model can be duplicated and repeated so if miracles can be found to be based on a model then they too can be repeated and be known as science.
In the metaphysical sense what we will discuss in this manual is a form of Shamanic shape-shifting that is based on the reality that every human biosystem is driven by Divine DNA codes that support us into Freedom. These codes form a part of our nature that our culture and our cyclical human experience seem to have overridden and hidden, veiling the Freedom codes deep within us, where they lie dormant until we ask for more. And in the asking something shifts to give birth to miracle seekers, the ones that are driven to remember these codes.
There are things that some people accept as normal – like war and dis-ease - while others see these as unnecessary, as anomalies in the field, things that can be retuned via the shifting of energy into a more harmonious beat.
Yet in order to have external harmony we need to have internal and so at the end of 2002, I was called to rearrange my external life so that my internal life could come into another level of harmony that would bring a new level of freedom to my world.
All I could feel, as I set about rearranging my life, was this over powering need for freedom particularly to explore more of the inner planes and the limitless realm of the One that breathes and gives me life, the One I call my DOW. All I kept hearing was an inner voice guiding me to explore more of the Law of Love and so I listened and began a new chapter as the watcher of, and the dancer with, the law of Love.

A decade or so ago when I was writing the book “In Resonance”, I was guided to research and add a chapter on Universal Laws of which I found around twenty eight. What I also found is that all of these Laws were subtle or refined expressions of the Law of Oneness – which states that everything is interconnected and hence all parts inter-relate and what affects one part, affects the whole.
What drives or feeds the Law of One, is the Law of Love.

The Law of Love states that all life, all atoms, all molecules, all energy fields have come into existence due to the Love of the original force of creation. It also states that when we treat all life with love, honor and respect as if It is part of us, then the Law of Love will magnetize us to Its river of Grace and embrace us back into Itself as one of Its own.
The Law of Love finds the seekers of miracles and Its Grace teaches us how to recognize, enjoy and also how to create them. And in the experiencing of these miracles we find ourselves already made perfect and also free.

According to the Catholic Encyclopedia, miracles are said to be wonders performed by supernatural powers, a sign or an expression of a special gift and explicitly assigned to God. Coming from the Latin word ‘miracula’ the witnessing of miracles usually promotes awe or excitement as the act is seen to come from Divine Grace.
Some say that the wonder of a miracle is in the fact that its cause is hidden and its effect is unexpected, hence it is something extraordinary. To me there are expressions all around us of both minor and major miracles. Both types can place the watcher into a state of “wow this is incredible!” a state of appreciation and awe where our heart is touched and opened. Watching the birth of a child is like watching a miracle be born, watching the sun rise and set each day and the colors that are magically beamed across the sky, these to me are minor miracles, explained by science, yes, part of nature yes, and worthy of our praise and appreciation.
Life to me is a miracle, even just the science of it – our blueprint of genetics and our potential for higher expression; the way that atoms and molecules move through space and time to provide matter for this blueprint. The depth and range of emotions that we can access; the limitless thinking capabilities that we possess along with the tools to manifest whatever is our hearts desire - the whole human mechanism to me is a miracle of divine expression, especially more so when we begin our journey of discovering what else is locked away within us.
The path of freedom and the gifts that adherence to the Law of Love reveals, can often be seen as miraculous.
\ Is a major miracle just something that as yet is unexplained, seeming to express a higher, more divine connection?
\ If so then each human being contains within them, major miracles just waiting for expression.
\ Yet what if each major miracle can be explained?
\ Then it becomes simply the science of life, a process that is perhaps governed by something as basic as the Law of Love.

In the time of the Christ it is said that water was turned into wine, that loaves of bread multiplied themselves so that one loaf could feed the many, that the sick were healed and the believer’s were risen from the dead. All of these were classified as major miracles and it was not until Jesus began to perform these miracles that his ministry was noticed. It was not just his words that touched the hearts of his people but also his ‘miraculous’ deeds yet were they really miracles or were they just examples of how the universal forces respond to someone who has anchored themselves in the heart of compassion and love?
In the metaphysical world the molecules of matter exist because of the Law of Love and they are programmed to respond to this law and can thus be commanded or invited into rearranging themselves in a myriad of ways. Water can gather the elements from the atmosphere around it and by changing the energy mix of these elements, be transformed into wine. A loaf of bread can duplicate itself by using those same elements. Both acts need to be directed by a power that has great belief in its own command and mastery to create such things, a power aware of and living by the Law of Love.
The question is also not so much “how can these miracles happen?” but why have we forgotten how to work in this way? Remember how Jesus said in the Gospel of Mathew: ‘The things I do, You shall do and even greater’.
Is the skill of doing this just restricted to those who possess ancient secret knowledge or the shape-shifting Shaman of our world?
What does it take for the molecules and atoms in a human biological system, to rearrange themselves, or release within themselves, a different mix of elements? A mix of air, earth, fire, water, astral light, akasa and cosmic fire – a mix of seven elements that govern our existence, a mix that can be rearranged within us to produce what appear to be miracles. All life is made of these elements and all elements contain consciousness and all are birthed because of, and respond to, the Law of Love. The how and why of it all we will look at more deeply throughout this journal as we shape-shift ourselves into a freer level of being.
Miracles have a life that can be activated, they have a purpose and they have a time. They have a path of unfoldment and the way they trigger this path is embedded in every atom in the core of the consciousness that allows it its existence, a consciousness that is a Divine DNA code that is driven by the mathematics of the Law of Love.

And so it was that I began the year of 2003 living in a wonderful beach side apartment that I had turned into my own personal ashram, a sacred space that reverberated with such amazing levels of harmony and that demonstrated the power of love in action. Self love means listening to the voice of our DOW, applying its guidance and trusting that any transformation we are inspired to enter into is perfect for us, and so began a new time in my life.

The above is Chapter one of THE LAW OF LOVE by Jasmuheen. An inexpensive e-book you can download this from:

THE LAW OF LOVE: An extensive 238 A4 page manual filled with powerful life transforming meditations which also details the Ancient Taoist Masters techniques for Immortality plus Futurstic Science tools of Inter-Dimensional Matrix Mechanics for Jasmuheen's Freedom from Human Limitation Agenda. This research covers freedom from the need to age or create dis-ease; freedom from the to take food or liquid as we learn how to create a self sustaining bio-system; freedom to express our Divine nature and all its gifts and tested methods for determining our personal readiness levels for these freedoms!


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