Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Four Body Fitness - Biofields & Bliss

Basic Biofield Introduction

FOUR BODY FITNESS is a term used to describe the health of our physical, emotional, mental and spiritual energy fields or being.

A Biofield is the space within and around our bodies, within and around the planet, and also the space within and around the universe. It is the space created and inhabited by living organisms. The study of this and the study of the interaction of the electric, magnetic and thermal fields with living matter, is basic Biofield Science. The purpose of this book is to share that while Biofields resonate at set frequencies, their frequency 'keynote' can be altered consciously at will and in a way that will benefit us all.

BLISS is described in the Oxford Dictionary as being: 'perfect joy or happiness; blessedness; being in heaven.' If the Recipes and Programs covered in the following pages are applied we can all experience complete fulfillment and harmony on earth. This is neither New Age or Religious dreaming. BIOFIELD BLISS is the outcome of holistic education based on RECIPE 2000â which incorporates the Four Body Fitness principles.

BIOFIELD SCIENCE : is the art of successful living and is based on four principles:
These are ...
1. That there is a Force that is all powerful, all knowing, and everywhere, including within us.
2. That this Force is a Supreme System of loving Intelligence that acts like a Master Computer Controller within us. I call this Force the DOW - the Divine One Within.
3. That this Force can be experienced and worked with to bring extraordinary results for humanity at this time.
4. That our body is a bio-computer and our mind is a software program and that, via Biofield Laws, we literally create our own reality.

In the following pages we will share our research, offer tested tools and programming codes and invite everyone to bring the bliss back into life on earth. People who work with Biofield Science are called Biofield Technicians, and it is their programming to study the inter-relationships of the fields and their impact on human life. They are also often called Metaphysicians, a word meaning the someone who studies the science of life. A metaphysician usually focuses on Dimensional Biofield Science.

I commenced my fascinating journey with Four Body Fitness in 1964 yet only began my training in Biofield Science in the early nineties after more than two intense decades of experiential metaphysical exploration. Through it all I looked for an understanding that would remove the mysticism from the Divine and bridge metaphysics back to quantum science. I believe that Biofield Science is this bridge. Jeff and I have more than 70 years of Biofield research behind us as we began our FOUR BODY FITNESS training around the same time.

Regardless of our personal history every one wants similar things : love, health, wealth, passion and purpose in life, good relationships with family and friends … the list goes on yet the basic desires are the same.

Albert Einstein once said: 'I want to know the thoughts of God, the rest are just details. The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift.'

This book is for those who wish to remember and enjoy the gift.

The adoption of Recipe 2000 â allows us to consciously retune our Personal Biofield. This occurs as a natural consequence of the Luscious Lifestyles Program - the L.L.P. and the use of specific Codes. As keys to the Dimensional Biofield and its zone called Paradise, each step offers benefits beyond compare and will be explored further in this manual. The combination of the 8 point lifestyle and Codes is dynamic, releasing vibrations through our Biofield that retune it back to our original beat. Here we are healthy, happy and running high on life, we feel loved and enthusiastic and can enjoy our journey.

All we can give you is a hint of what life is like
for those who apply Recipe 2000â.
We can also share about the benefits and how to use the tools.

As we gather around the world, Biofield retuning has become a priority for all. Biofield Science requires us to be conscious of Universal Laws, which govern the Higher Light Science, of which BIOFIELD SCIENCE is just a part. Successful Biofield tuning also requires us to be clear regarding what we want both personally and globally. Clarity of vision is a must for successful manifestation.

The Four Body Fitness System:

· The Four Body Fitness System is a method of gaining physical, emotional, mental and spiritual health.
· Using a set recipe, FOUR BODY FITNESS can be achieved in a relatively short time as the human body completely regenerates itself every 2.5 years. We make a new liver every 6 weeks, a new skin once a month, a new stomach lining every 5 days, and we didn’t have our current skeleton 3 months ago. The brain cells we think with weren’t there a year ago. Even our DNA raw material is totally replaced every 6 weeks. A complete new body, is created, down to every atom, every 2.5 years.
· Four Body Fitness creates a well tuned Personal Biofield that allows the practitioner to experience both quality and quantity living. This then impacts on the Social and Planetary fields.
· Four Body Fitness is achieved by our lifestyle choice and thinking patterns and is covered further in the Personal Biofield tuning section.

The 5 Main Biofield Types:

In Biofield Science there are 5 predominant Biofield types. In order to successfully interact with duo, family, group and global Biofields, we need to be more aware of each type as the Fields will be referred to throughout this manual. How each is affected or operates will be elaborated on as we go.

BIOFIELD 1. Our Personal Biofield : This field is comprised of the energy pulsing from our physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies which each radiate a specific frequency. This frequency is determined by imprinting. When the frequency of each body is combined, we radiate a specific key-note which according to Bio-Science Laws then imprints itself into all the below fields.

BIOFIELD 2. Our Social Biofield : this field contains the individual frequency emission made by our family, friends, colleagues. It is the community's Biofields. A Social Biofield occurs any time two or more people share space as their Personal Biofields will intermingle and merge.

BIOFIELD 3. Our Global Biofield : This is the synthesis of all Biofields on earth from the mineral and Devic kingdoms, the plant and animal kingdoms, the human kingdoms plus the inner plane kingdoms.

BIOFIELD 4. Our Cosmological Biofield : This field pertains to the resonance of the solar, galactic and universal systems and is the field of study of astronomers, quantum physicists and some metaphysicians. Its flavor is added to by the Global Biofield.

BIOFIELD 5. The Dimensional Biofield : Also known as the virtual field, this is a field of great interest to many metaphysicians. This is the field from which religion and the Higher Light Science has been born.

The book FOUR BODY FITNESS : BIOFIELDS & BLISS deals primarily with the first three types of Biofields. My next book "GLOBAL UNITY : BIOFIELDS & BLISS" will deal with all five and focus primarliy on the harmonious coexistence of the personal, planetary biofields by using dimensional biofield techniques.

Biofield Grids:

Biofield Grids are the foundation of Dimensional Biofield Science and more grid information, and how it applies to FOUR BODY FITNESS, is covered in that section.

· A Biofield Grid is a web of light rays and sound waves that carry Coded Information.
· Biofield Grids surround, and are woven through all life forms.
· In the human bio-system, the grid is anchored as a supporting foundation. In Biofield Science this inner grid is called the Lightbody and its physical operating system are our meridians.
· Biofield Grids operate via energy transmissions that are governed by Universal Law.
· Biofield Grids and their subsequent transmission signals can be harmonized, or overhauled and completely retuned, by the application of RECIPE 2000 â.

Dimensional Biofield Science:

· This science is the study of Dimensional subtleties and attributes which provides the analytical understanding of BIOFIELD SCIENCE. By studying the Personal, Social and Global Biofields we can determine each one's effectiveness. If in need of retuning we can then decide how to recalibrate it and to what frequency adjustments need to be made.

· This adjustment is a natural part of Dimensional Science. To do this successfully we need an holistic understanding which provides the sensitivity required to do this harmoniously. Biofield adjustments can range from subtle imprints to waves that shake up a field in a way that is as devastating in its consequences as a volcanic shift on earth. For example, a nuclear explosion on earth would have an impact on not only the Global Biofield but also on the Universal and Dimensional Fields. A subtle shift in the Biofields would come from a very happy event like a wedding or family reunion.

Biofield Influences:

· Once we have taken the time to discover what we want then we need to examine our personal Biofield and examine its effectiveness and the influences that determine its current beat.
· A Biofield beat consists of four main influences, our physical, emotional, mental and spiritual vibration and their frequency mix. This frequency mix and the way it influences our Personal, Social and Global Biofield is the basis of FOUR BODY FITNESS.
· Obviously someone who believes they are just their physical, emotional and mental body, will have a very different Biofield beat to someone who operates within Four Body Fitness system of holisitc knowledge. For example the Biofield of a yogi or priest is very different to that of a heavy metal musician.
· Biofields are influenced powerfully by subliminal conditioning and humans are conditioned consciously and subconsciously from birth, by our home life, at school, via society and the media.
· Biofields are also influenced by our food choice, lifestyle and thinking and feeling patterns. Quality thinking, quality feeling and quality feeding create a more refined, quality Biofield.
· Biofields can also be influenced by expansion of Creative Thinking and use of THINKING TOOLS.

How Recipe 2000â will tune the Fields:

Recipe 2000> is a two edged sword - not only does it provide us with a way of successfully refining our Personal, Social and Global Biofields, but once experienced it provides us with concrete reasons as to why we should keep doing it and why inspiring others to apply it will create a harmonious global family and a fabulous future for us all.

In order to appreciate how powerful these can be, we need to look at the capacity of the human organism, particularly the human brain as re-programming requires the conscious rewiring of our brain's neural pathways.
This is covered in detail under Part 4 : Biofield Technicians.

Successful retuning of the different Biofield types requires our desire to create positive change and also some basic metaphysical skills that are designed to activate our 6th and 7th senses of intuition and knowing.

The above is from the inexpensive e-book "Four Body Fitness - Biofields & Bliss by Jasmuheen. It can be downloaded in full at: http://www.selfempowermentacademy.com.au/htm/cia-education.asp#biofield

BOOK 1: FOUR BODY FITNESS : BOOK 1 of the Biofields & Bliss Series: FOUR BODY FITNESS : BIOFIELDS & BLISS is Jasmuheen's seventeenth book. BLISS is described in the Oxford Dictionary as being : perfect joy or happiness; blessedness; being in heaven. If the Recipes and Programs covered in this book are applied we can all experience complete fulfillment and harmony on earth. This is neither New Age or Religious dreaming, BIOFIELD BLISS is the outcome of holistic education based on RECIPE 2000> which incorporates the Four Body Fitness principles. FOUR BODY FITNESS : Biofields & Bliss is a simple, pragmatic manual that is designed to bring us all into a state of both personal and global paradise. To be achieved by using Biofield Science, this system of operation deals with environmental field control and can be applied with fast results.


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