Divine Nutrition Gifts, Brain Wave Patterns & Our Paranormal Powers
During a visit to India in 2002 and a meeting with Dr Sudhir Shah and his research team, I was given what I feel to be an important link in understanding the Divine Nutrition journey. I had already been guided to write this book with the focus on future research that I felt still needed to be done in the ‘Divine nourishment field’, when Dr Shah’s personal research into brain wave patterns triggered me into a new level of understanding. In order to accept the food of Gods as a source of pure nutrition, we need to understand more of how the body and our brain works and we will address the area of Brain Wave pattern research in more detail later.
Brain Wave patterns and the Divine Nutrition Program:
Briefly, there are four main brain wave patterns which are:
v the Beta brain wave pattern at 14 to 30 cycles per second – level 1;
v the Alpha brain wave pattern at 8 to 13 cycles per second – level 2 & 3;
v the Theta brain wave pattern at 4 to 7 cycles per second – level 2 & 3 - and lastly,
v The Delta brain wave pattern at .5 to 3 cycles per second – level 3.
Although research on the differing type of brain wave patterns that occur between yogis and someone untrained in working with consciously altering their brain wave patterns, is now being done; what has not yet been explored is:-
What can happen within a human system when the slower in frequency, but higher in amplitude, brain wave patterns are sustained for long periods of time; in other words what happens to a person’s life when they choose to anchor themselves in the Theta brain wave field? And …
How is this anchoring done?
All of this will be discussed in later chapters but now let’s address the gifts that life in the theta field can provide us with.
Paranormal Powers:
Research has found that when the Theta - Delta frequency pattern is held, the following attributes are evident in a person’s life. These attributes are sometimes classified as paranormal powers that can be seen as:-
v Pre-cognition – the ability to sense what is about to occur;
v Telepathy – the ability to pick up unspoken mental-plane communications;
v Bi-location – the ability to be in two places at once, or to send a holographic projection of oneself somewhere else;
v Clairsentience and empathy – the ability to sense or feel what others are feeling;
v Clairvoyance – the ability to see between the worlds with our third eye;
v The ability to heal through touch or over distances plus much more.
The Theta – Delta pattern is the home of our latent paranormal abilities and when accessed allows our inner resources of Divine Nutrition to flow. In the metaphysical world, which power/s a person has often depends on the role they have agreed to play in the cycles of human evolution.
When the Theta and the Delta brain wave patterns are sustained not only does the veil go down between the conscious and subconscious mind allowing reprogramming of the whole bio-system in a more effective way, but we also begin to tap into other realms of reality, where issues like the following become more real for us:
v Divine radiance - where we can increase or decrease our auric emanations so that our presence nourishes others in a healthy way.
v Divine intentions - where we understand the power of our intentions and will in co-creation and use them with wisdom for the good of all and are hence supported by powerful and nourishing universal forces.
v Divine guidance - access to an inner plane system of reliable help.
v Divine prosperity - access to all the abundance we need to be fulfilled on all levels.
v Divine transmissions - the ability to enjoy two way communications with beings who are permanently anchored in the Theta – Delta field and to do so via empathic or telepathic means.
v Divine co-creation - the ability to, and action of, creating in a way that stimulates and releases the highest potentialities into manifestation.
v Divine Grace is an inexplicable energy that is incredible to experience, Grace is the oil that smoothes the way in life.
v Divine communication – communion with the God within and the inner plane Holy Ones
v Divine manifestation – the ability to recognize the will of the Creator and to manifest according to the Divine Plan’s current agenda which is our conscious co-creation of paradise on earth.
v Divine bliss – true emotional, mental and spiritual nourishment.
v Divine nutrition as in pranic feeding and the freedom it brings and
v Divine revelation – the zone of true knowing beyond limited perceptions and realities.
The above are some of the benefits that come from accessing the Divine Nutrition channel and we will elaborate on these later.
I call these gifts that we receive when we are in tune with the Madonna Frequency. The Madonna Frequency is the frequency of Divine Love and Divine compassion. The Madonna Frequency is the deliverer of the true food of the Gods, because (although this is totally unscientific in explanation) the metaphysical fact is that what allows us to be nourished - and maintain pure health without the need of taking physical food or vitamin supplements if this be our life choice - is an energy which can only be described as pure Divine Love and I believe that this energy of Divine Love is triggered automatically when a person maintains the Theta – Delta brain wave patterns.
I once met a man who said to me: “Why do you speak so much of the Divine? It’s always ‘Divine this’ and ‘Divine that’. And you say that we are Divine beings and maybe that is true for you but I certainly am not Divine.”
I could have responded and quoted John 14.2 and said as Jesus did: “I shall go to the house of my Father to prepare for you an abode. The house of my Father has many abodes. On that day you shall know that I am with the Father, the Father in me and I in you. You are God.” But that only impresses those of the Christian faith. What about the Buddhist who believes in a Supreme Intelligence rather than a God as we know it and what has this to do with the science of measuring brain wave patterns and Divine Nutrition?
When the abode is well prepared or tuned, then Divine Nutrition flows and is physically released within us especially when we consciously tune our brain wave patterns into the Theta – Delta fields. And Divinity?
Divinity is a state, an experience, a feeling of awe and recognition and wonder and appreciation when we find our self in the Presence of something that truly is sublime. Does it exist? Can we all experience this? This depends on our desire and also our capacity to perceive it yet most amazingly, if we believe in the Divine and ask It to reveal Itself to us, It does particularly when we meet It half way by consciously tuning ourselves into the theta field where It expresses Itself more freely.
I like the game of logic, I like the game of trust and faith, I like the quantum game that says we can alter events just by the viewing of them and I like the fact that we can test the idea that we are Gods in form and that what we focus on comes into being if we all believe in it enough and do what is required to retune the fields. I like the idea that this means that if we unify and focus collectively then we can co-create anything on this earth. I also like the experience of the vastness of creation, the knowing that God is everywhere and that this includes within us and as such all is naturally Divine. The role of the modern day metaphysician is now only to absorb the proper nourishment to support us as we act as if we are Divine. I also like the fact that with proper nourishment, enjoying our ‘para’normal powers will become a common aspect of all our lives.
It’s interesting to look at the idea of ‘normal’ or what is considered acceptable to the status quo. In our modern day world it is normal to suffer dis-ease and bio-system breakdown and decay. It is normal to die at around age 70 and to experience emotional highs and lows. Violence is tolerated as an everyday fact as is the suffering of our children. Personally I would like to think that as we learn how to stop blocking our inner nourishment flow, that these things become abnormal rather than every day. All it takes is education to inspire us to understand and make more supportive choices which are easier to make when we understand the natural cycles of human awareness.
The above is chapter 2 from the e-book "The Food of Gods" by Jasmuheen. It is book 3 of the Divine Nutrition series and can be purchased inexpensively at http://www.selfempowermentacademy.com.au/htm/cia-education.asp#divine
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