Tuesday, September 06, 2005


A Practical and Joyous Proposal of Peace.
Let us

A lot of people are saying “We don’t want war!’
Why wait for our world leaders, when we can unify and co-create peace now?
By eliminating the causes of violence and terrorism.

‘The Madonna Frequency’ PLANETARY PEACE PROGRAM was given to Jasmuheen in October 2002, in response to the USA – Iraq and Middle East situations, and the general disharmony facing earth’s people at this time. As millions protest the use of violence to combat global terrorism, it has become obvious that with a shift of focus a more positive outcome can be obtained. We know in metaphysics that what we focus on becomes real, for our energy feeds it. If we focus on fear, on war, that becomes our reality but if we shift this focus to “What can we do that is positive and beneficial for all?” then a new reality can begin.

For deep and ever lasting peace, this shift must now be towards
eradicating the very causes that create violence and global terrorism.
This means ceasing to focus on retribution and war,
since our governments will do what they will do whether we like it or not.
Yes we can protest but we need to do more!

Do not underestimate people power, particularly when each person
is focused on and radiating ‘The Madonna Frequency’.
When we are in ‘The Madonna Frequency’ Field we have the
power, the love and the wisdom to unify and harmoniously
change the course of history.

This means providing AID that creates
health and happiness, peace and prosperity for all.
This means delivering AID packages and empowering tools
in a compassionate and loving manner. When we are all tuned
to the incorruptible channel of Divine Love, Divine Wisdom and Divine Power, anything is possible. Co-creating peace really is up to us.

By utilizing our will, our intention, specific programming codes plus
a powerful day-to-day lifestyle that keeps us tuned and in the Madonna Zone, we can unify and achieve great things. The time is now!

According to our research at the Self Empowerment Academy, all war and violence comes from a deep hunger for a source of nourishment that will allow us to all feel fulfilled. I have discovered that the nourishment that we all seek is ‘The Madonna Frequency’ Field.
Because it is infinitely wise, and more than that, it is loving and patient and compassionate, and available and free, and powerful enough to tip our world into a permanent state of peace by providing enough nurturing to satisfy all our physical, emotional, mental and spiritual hungers.

We have dwelt within a patriarchal society for over 8 thousand years and this is now coming to an end. The downside of this patriarchal society has brought with it options of war and violence and aggression – attributes that are common in a predominantly masculine field. The matriarchal energy brings love, wisdom, compassion, mercy, sympathy, empathy and other qualities that our planet now needs to come into a balanced state of peace which will come when we address the reasons that cause terrorism and war.

Everybody is hungry for something. Some hunger for war, for revenge and retribution. Some hunger for family, for loving relationships, or for wealth or health and youth or even immortality. Others hunger for peace or enlightenment, which requires us to tap into the vast energy resources that we all hold within. This untapped source is what I have come to call the DOW. Our DOW or Divine One Within is an all powerful, all loving, all knowing field of Divine Intelligence that breathes us, loves us, guides us, heals us and even nurtures us on all levels if we are open. More importantly DOW Power is the only thing every one of us has in common and when we work with it and let it guide us we have access to an incorruptible network of Divine Power.

If we think that it is time to put violence behind us and re-harmonize ourselves into peace, then our personal support of ‘The Madonna Frequency’ PLANETARY PEACE PROGRAM and Its Projects and use of DOW Power, can bring us into a place of deep and lasting peace.

However, this is something we must choose now.
We need to see ourselves as One People who wish to live in harmony on One Planet and we need to unify with one loud resounding voice that says to the Universal Intelligence that surrounds us…

“We accept peace now and we love it. We accept peace now and we honour it. We accept peace now and we respect it.”
Chant this 3 times with sincerity and conviction.


‘The Madonna Frequency’ Projects 1 to 9:
Project 1: To healthily feed, clothe, comfortably shelter and provide Holistic Education for our earth's people by 2012.
Project 2: The adoption of RECIPE 2000> as a Holistic education program into all educational institutions as a positive Life-skills tool for positive personal and global transformation
Project 3: To provide Divine Nutrition for all who want it and hence eliminate hunger and health problems on earth. To be done via a) the effective use of media and b) holistic education programs (see project 2).
Project 4: The elimination of poverty and hunger in all countries via the specific support of the Divine Nutrition Research Projects. Test Country : India
Project 5: The elimination of global health and hunger challenges via our specific DIVINE NUTRITION : Pills or Prana "eat less, live longer" Project.
Project 6: The Revision of International Agreements and Trade Treaties and practices to ensure that they operate for the good of all.
Project 7: The elimination of poverty and violence in all third world countries via Projects no. 2 and no. 6. Test Country : Brazil
Project 8: The Creation of Peace in areas of Conflict using the perfect resolution program. Test Country/s : The Middle East
Project 9: The I.R.S. Program - To officially Instigate, Record and Summarize humanity’s co-creation of paradise.
Projects 2 to 9 are all part of the main agenda of Project no. 1 but they each utilize different approaches and have specific programs attached. Projects 4 and 5 are part of Project 3.
‘The Madonna Frequency’ Projects are designed to shift our focus from war to co-creating practical peace. If we eliminate the causes of violence and terrorism, via our unified and focused effort, we will create planetary peace. It is up to us to change our focus and change our future.
Namaste Jasmuheen
‘The Madonna Frequency’ Planetary Peace Project
involves a 4 part alignment and action plan.

Part I - Agreements and Programming Codes that are made between you and the intelligent universe that surrounds us and see us as Gods in form.
i.e. this is our commitment.

Part II – Are the Questions we need to ask, the Attitudes we need to adopt and the Attributes that ‘The Madonna Frequency’ imbues us with.

Part III - Requires our united focus on 9 Peace Projects that if attended to will eliminate the causes of violence and terrorism in our world.
(see over for details)

Part IV - RECIPE 2000 >. A Lifestyle and Programming package that will keep us tuned as individuals, to the frequency of love, wisdom and compassion, so that we can always be perfectly aligned and take the perfect action to create, then to keep our world in peace.
Let us co-create with joy and ease and Grace …

The GRACE of ‘The Madonna Frequency’

Grace is an energy that is attracted to us when we flood our systems with the cosmic electricity of Divine Love and Divine Wisdom and Divine Power.
Grace brings magic and synchronicity and joy, a feeling that everything is flowing perfectly, unfolding perfectly driven by some Divinely orchestrated beat. Grace is the feminine principle, the cosmic mother of nurturing love that supports and soothes creation.

For this FREE e-book by Jasmuheen (also available in various languages) go to: http://www.selfempowermentacademy.com.au/htm/peace.asp


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