Saturday, September 03, 2005


To successfully co-create paradise on earth we need:
1) To be clear about what we really want for ourselves, our children, our future. We need to have Visions & to make Decisions to attain what we desire / require and we need to reprioritize our resources agenda.
2) We also need to have good Solutions that will provide the Outcomes that we desire, outcomes that are beneficial to all.
3) We also need good Support Systems and conscious aware Colleagues to co-create with us plus enough resources.


For our dreams and higher visions to be made manifest, we must take time to think about what we want.

What do we want for ourselves, for our loved ones, for our future? Once we have honestly assessed our own lives to determine what we want, it is then recommended that we look to see if our belief systems and wants are also beneficial to the world.

Questions worth asking are:
v Do we, and how we live our lives, have a beneficial impact on the whole?
v b) Is this idea of global harmony & happiness a reality and if so how can it be attained so that WE ARE ALL healthy & happy, peaceful and prosperous?
v What is Paradise? Before we can determine IF and HOW we can CREATE PARADISE FOR ALL; we need to ask ourselves WHAT IS PARADISE?
v Is Paradise a Utopian state where all beings live in a manner where all their needs are met, from our basic human rights, to our higher dreams and goals?

This means being honest with ourself, spending silent time in contemplation... evaluation... assessing our joy factor in life...

Years of touring have taught me that regardless of our race, religion, gender or culture, all human beings basically want the same things. We all want love, health, wealth, passion and purpose and great relationships with family and friends. When we feel fulfilled on all levels of our own being, we become more compassionate and more aware of how we spend our time. In Biofield Science, attaining fun and also fulfilment is just a matter of biofield refinement. We covered personal biofield tuning in detail in BB1, in this book we look at the Dimensional field.

I have long been fascinated by the tweaking and twirling of fields. I like the idea of living among intelligent life forms in galaxies throughout time, an idea that appeals to the ‘trekker’s heart’ in all. Tuning the Global Biofield to the paradise channel happens automatically as we become physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually fit. It also means understanding both the ancient wisdom held within esoteric teaching which encourages the correct use of will at all times, and our commitment to impeccable behaviour and acceptance and demonstration of our mastery. Thankfully millions no longer choose to suffer for our divine birth right and now simply rise to claim it.

A simple program or decree is:
v “On behalf of all Paradisians in the world I now reclaim my right to live in paradise. I now reclaim full experience of my divine nature and allow it to guide me into the successful re-creation of paradise, for all, by all, with all.”
Chant the above three times with sincerity, again knowing that our DOW – the Divine One Within - is all powerful, all knowing, all loving everywhere within us and without. Knowing that all is one and interconnected. Knowing that good is drawn to good and virtue to virtue.

It’s been a fascinating journey choosing the realities that I have, especially given what I have now come to know. To witness very visible forces in action in our lives when we enter certain fields is sometimes revelational, and always comes with a rush of something akin to awe. In my innernet C.N.N. wanderings I have seen so many futures.

Within the Dimensional Biofield once lay the field that Nostradamus saw, yet when it was revealed, the revelation prompted an awakening and change. Thanking him for his warning, enough of the status quo have now changed their personal field, thus consciously altering the Social Biofield which has, in turn, imprinted all biofields and changed channels into a less catastrophic reality. The universal forces speak to us via sign which, like dreams, only the viewer can intrepret. There are so many meanings in life and layerss and viewpoints and shades of gray and it all blends together to form a cosmic soup of chaos that mirrors the predominant view.

Slowly over time with quite determination, the faithful have gathered and grown from sharing their visions and dreams, and nearly every city on earth now holds an etheric replica of itself blossoming in a higher form. This represents an idealistic “never could have happened but it did” type of nostalgic utopia, of a vision that we can watch being born.

The great news is that the etheric and earth cities are now in the process of merging, as more and more individuals surf via the innernet through the C.N.N.* Biofields and more are feeling fulfilled as more contentedness and fun is coming back to their life. Health is improving amongst the educated elderly, and for the first time ever our spending on alternative therapies is greater than on the orthodox way, and more people are open to holistic therapies and holistic lifestyles.

Western interest in yoga and meditation is increasing yet, as the ancient mystery schools have always elected to keep their wisdom and tuning tools secret, the Dimensional Biofield has been shrouded for so long. It has only been in the last few decades that their doors have open to those interested.


As discussed in BB1, RECIPE 2000> with its re-programming tools, has the potential to eliminate all war, all violence, all poverty, all hunger and social injustice, as it transforms people into more compassionate and altruistic beings. It also allows us access to the one power every human being has in common - DOW POWER.

Book 1, FOUR-BODY-FITNESS : BIOFIELDS & BLISS covers accessing DOW POWER for personal biofield and global tuning and offers RECIPE 2000> with its programming codes and lifestyle program, as a solution that will create the outcome that benefits all. The lifestyle program includes a daily diet of meditation, prayer, programming with mind mastery, vegetarian diet, exercise, service, time in silence in nature and the use of chanting, mantras and devotional song. This 8-step lifestyle program keeps us all tuned to the perfect channels for positive manifestation and creation.
The OUTCOME, of course, is PARADISE. Try it and see.

So once we are all well tuned and know how to stay that way, the next step is to join forces with others so that our visions and dreams can merge and grow and become the dominant force in the global field - for the dominant force determines the mass reality and also has the power to alter the status quo.


Once we have decided what we want, and that we want our lives to make a positive difference, we come into the realm of service. Harmonizing this planet cannot be done by sheer intellect or desire alone. We need both. We also need to all plug consciously in to the never ending Source of love and wisdom and power, the Cosmic Computer that many call God. When we do this via our DOW, we can be guided as one harmonious group to co-create beneficially with all, for all. We just need to fine-tune, and synchronise and harmonise, our channels which we achieve by using RECIPE 2000> and by using specific programs and commands.

DOW Command: "I ask my DOW to bring me all my support crew NOW, my earth team, my cosmic colleagues PLUS all the resources we need to fulfil our parts in the Paradise Plan NOW. We ask that when we meet, we complete all our karmic learning with joy and ease and grace."
CHANT with sincerity 3 times KNOWing that our DOW is all-powerful and will serve us lovingly as we serve for the greater good.

Metaphysicians and Dimensional Biofield Technicians, know that any plan for change requires a strong foundation. In Biofield Science there are three predominant frequency streams that form the basis of all energy work and grids.
These are:
1) the divine love channel;
2) the divine wisdom channel;
3) the divine power channel.

When these three streams merge they form the violet light spectrum that also carries Divine Nutrition. Each stream of this light is filled with bio-photons or pure particle protons, neutrons and electrons that carry base DNA patterns for an atom in its pre-cell form. Combined they magnify to pulse the freedom beat throughout the fields. Complete free will, the freedom for limitless expression. This is the “think it, see it, perceive it, receive it” field that springs from the mind of intelligent creation quite naturally. It is also a field based on mathematical codes that are a sequencing of rhythms and pulses and sounds that differentiate themselves within different layers of a crystalline grid of rainbow colour. Activation of our 6th an d7th senses removes the veils between the conscious mind and universal mind, allowing us to be more creative and experience the limitless nature of DOW power.

The blueprint behind creation is an energy matrix, a light grid of such splendour, that to witness life be born upon it, and nurtured within it, and be absorbed back into it, is a pleasure that leaves its observer dumbstruck, free of words. Held within this matrix is a pre-encoded grid of paradise, with a set frequency that can be matched into. The codes to do this are part of RECIPE 2000>. (

Regarding the co-creation of paradise agenda, a metaphysical question may be:
“What makes you think you have solution to end all suffering?” (see BB3), or
“What about karma, and not interfering with people’s learning cycles in time?” Those open to tantric realities say,
“There is nothing to fix, everything is perfect and unfolding as it should.”

So the answers to these questions depends on whether we take the yogic view of duality, or the Taoist Tantra view of Oneness and we discuss these views in more detail later.

It is true that there exists a channel where everything when viewed and seen is perfection itself, where all is unfolding in perfect cycles of time and timelessness, a frequency that all draws back into Itself. This is a channel that exists beyond all mind, that on one level cannot be appreciated except by the imprint that It leaves deep within you when you merge into Its presence, leaving mental cognition at its door. It is true that the yogis call this merging and being in this space the ultimate reality.

It is true that karmic learning is a natural cycle in time, and it is also true that choices can be made to complete all learning with joy and ease and grace. It is also true that earth’s civilization is now becoming more civilized as we finally begin to discuss and recognize what true civility is.

Happiness, fun and fulfillment cannot be achieved for us, we have to create these ourselves as individuals, yet health, peace and prosperity can be aided by group and individual focus and attention.

According to Biofield Science, the human species has been encoded with all the power of creative Gods and for eons of time we have explored the free will game of creating whatever, we as individuals focused on the ‘I’, have wished. Now it is time to create while focused on the ‘we’, which will ensure that what we create is beneficial for all. At least this is our invitation.

Apart from tuning our personal Biofields to the paradise channel, and being living examples, and influencing the fields via our innernet time and frequency, a Dimensional Biofield Technician may be drawn to be a more active voice in world affairs to perhaps become and Ambassador for Peace.

Having been a Peace Ambassador for what sometimes feels like an eternity, I have spent the last 3 decades, assessing and experimenting with the fields, in view of positive global tuning. The results of this and my recommendations are covered in detail in the free e-book – BB3.

The above is from the inexpensive e-book "CO-CREATING PARADISE - Biofields & Bliss" by Jasmuheen. It can be downloaded in full at:

BOOK 2: CO-CREATING PARADISE: BIOFIELDS & BLISS: Covering the Dimensional Biofield Science of fine-tuning our Social and Global Biofields to create paradise on earth, this book offers simple and powerful tools for positive personal & global transformation.
It also provides a synopsis of religions, the ancient wisdom and quantum principles plus self-empowerment and peace tools.


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