Thursday, September 15, 2005


The Art Of Resonance with Jasmuheen

Resonance is defined in the Oxford Dictionary as, ‘Responding to vibrations of a particular frequency especially by itself strongly vibrating’. When related to metaphysics it is associated with the universal Law of Resonance. This law basically states that like attracts like.
Our bodies are energy systems, and we all oscillate at our own unique vibrational frequency that reflects the sum total of everything that we have experienced through eons of time. We have what is termed a four-body system of ‘lower’ bodies - termed 'lower' due to their vibrational frequency or resonance - and we also have higher bodies or energy fields which resonate at a higher or finer frequency. Their resonance can be compared to the musical notes played on a piano or string instrument. It can be on key or off key.
Toxicity from negative thoughts, unresolved negative emotions, pollutants, dross, poor diets etc. affects the energy fields of the body. These, in turn, influence our vibrational frequency and determine whether we are ‘on key’ or ‘off key’. Past life experiences and current life experiences are all held in cellular memory and are also reflected in our vibrational frequency. Dr. Deepak Chopra states in his book ‘Quantum Healing’ that a cell is a memory that has built matter around itself, forming a specific pattern, and that the body is the place that the memory calls home.
Many individuals are now being motivated by a strong inner desire to really experience joy, balance, harmony and unconditional love in life. These experiences are automatically ours when we realign our physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies to higher, more refined frequencies. Realigning our frequency is like tuning a string on an instrument to its perfect pitch. The finer the frequencies we emit, the finer the life experiences we attract via the universal Law of Resonance.
For example, the physical body may resonate perfectly to the musical note of ‘C’, the energy field of the emotional body to ‘D’, the energy field of the mental body to ‘E’, and the spiritual body to ‘F’. When these energy fields are perfectly tuned to their ‘notes’, they play together harmoniously and life becomes magical. When they are out of tune the music is discordant, off key, and our life does not flow or feel harmonious.
Standards and expectations vary from individual to individual. Just as the precise tuning of an instrument is critical to a professional musician, a layman with an untrained ear cannot recognise the fine nuances and is, accordingly, less demanding. There are, then, personal frames of reference and we all set our own standards of acceptability. However, anyone who feels in the slightest that their life may be better, will benefit by realigning and tuning their energy fields to a finer resonance and finding the perfect pitch for them.
In their desire to improve the quality and/or length of their life, many individuals today are following inner guidance to cleanse themselves - not just on a physical level, but also on an emotional and mental level. They are eating less, preferably light food. Emotionally, they are also ‘processing’ and letting go of emotional baggage - emotions of fear, hate, guilt, worry, anxiety, anger etc. - which, when unresolved, are stored in the various organs of the physical body. This storage of negative emotion creates blockages in our energy fields and eventually disease. On a mental level, they are recognising the limitations imposed in our lives by negative thinking and how energy follows thought to create our reality.
Thoughts, words and actions are energy forms and whatever we send out comes back to us according to karmic law and the the Law of Resonance. This is the nature of energy: anything that life presents to us is there because we have attracted it to us by our vibrational frequency.
Positive thoughts, words and actions coupled with the intention to always act for the highest good of all beings plus the highest good of ourself, will change our resonance and consequently our experience of life.
How we can consciously go about realigning our vibrational frequency to be more in tune with the divine light beings, that we are in essence, is covered in greater detail throughout the following chapters. Briefly, one of the most powerful ways to tune our energy fields to their ‘perfect’ resonance is through meditation and spending daily time in the Great Silence within us. Apart from facilitating an effective energy realignment, meditation allows us to open to inner guidance - to learn to listen to the whispers of our Divine Self until the whispers become a strong clear voice. When acted upon, this guidance allows us to experience the joy and love and harmony that we seek in all aspects of our lives. Meditation aligns our spiritual, mental and emotional energy fields. This realignment is reflected in, and alters, our physical energy field or body.
Diet, eating lightly, drinking fresh pure water and engaging in gentle, stress-free exercise allows us to realign, rebuild and alter the energy field of the physical body daily and promote health, vitality and longevity; but none has the power of meditation when we maximise the intake of prana through specific breathing and allow the white light energy to heal and transform us.
We live in such a wondrous time - the dawning of a new age - and we have the capacity to create the reality that we desire simply by altering the energy signals we emit and by understanding the laws that govern all matter.
The above is chapter one of the e-book IN RESONANCE by Jasmuheen. It is available as an inexpensive e-book at
IN RESONANCE: Jasmuheen's second book is a manual for tuning and aligning ourselves into physical, emotional, mental and spiritual fitness so that we can create and enjoy a blissful life! Based on blending the ancient wisdom with quantum physics, 'In Resonance' covers 20 years of well-researched information plus many practical techniques to create positive change. In this comprehensive text Jasmuheen also provides basic to advanced meditations that include breath, light and sound work, plus creative visualisation to enhance self mastery. 'In Resonance' is a wonderful metaphysical manual for beginners and advanced students alike. With many practical meditations and tools, the book covers 20 years of well-researched information on the Ancient Wisdom, plus many practical techniques to create positive change from breath and light work to bi-location, universal law, and telepathic communication!


Blogger said...

You are the window for the messages from the Universe to flow into this reality. You may have a different level of ability and address a different audience, but let us connect by thought and increase the vibration of the messages that are channelled through you. :

4:13 pm  

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