Sunday, September 18, 2005


The Supreme Splendour :
DOW Power

“The more you depend on forces outside of yourself
the more you are dominated by them.”
Harold Sherman

We live in an age of magnificence - of prosperity and true joy, and it only takes a recipe to tune us all in. What miracles are these that we have been given so much love, wisdom and power to use at our discretion? Many of the Ambassadors of Light believe that we come as Gods to find the Gods that we are in physical earth form. Some say that God is like the sun. It feeds us, and keeps all our movies alive and its nature can be nirvanic and tender. When we swim in It, merge with It, feel It, allow It to love us as we remember It, miracles happen. Some call living without the need of food, a miracle.
Yet, simplistically put, the ability to live on light is a result of an initiation into the Presence of the God Within, which then feeds us by the power of Its radiation. I prefer to call this the Divine One Within or our DOW.
In the experience of the Ambassadors of Light, DOW Power is a limitless and never-ending source of pure energy that dwells within everything, whether it is animate or not. It is the Power or Presence of what some call the Supreme Splendour of OH-OM, the One Heart and One Mind that exists within all.
Some call the DOW Power of OH-OM: God’s power, Allah’s power, Brahma’s power, the force of Supreme Intelligence, the radiation from the Singularity; or other labels depending on their culture and beliefs. As the beings of light that I work with have often said: “We don’t care what you call your God, just so long as you call It”, for experiencing It will bring love, wisdom, passion and purpose to our lives. Talk without experience perpetuates separatism as our minds always filter knowledge to mirror our own beliefs.
The living on light journey has never been about eating or not eating, it has always been about DOW Power. Everyone has this power available to them - in the same quantities - we just access It with different regularity and in different quantities. DOW Power is not restricted by either our races, religions, cultures or our beliefs. It is like a hidden source of energy that when recognized, connected with, experienced and allowed to flow unimpeded through our bodies, brings many miracles to our lives. Being free from the need to take our nourishment from food is one very small benefit of this.
There are a myriad of ways to experience this Divine Power and the 21 day initiation that we talk about in my first book on this topic, is just one. As a consequence of this initiation that is designed to connect us further with the power of the Divine One Within, an individual finds freedom on many levels and yes, it is true that for many this means being free from the need to take nourishment from food. This is fact.
How this occurs has been detailed in our first book called “Living on Light - Nutrition for the New Millennium - A Personal Journey”. The success of this initiation, and the Light Ambassador’s ability to maintain and sustain being fed by prana is dependant on a very disciplined lifestyle choice. This is where the individual involved focuses their time on maintaining a high level of physical, emotional, mental and spiritual fitness.
We call the individual who chooses this path, an Ambassador of Light or the spiritual warrior, for undergoing the process of conversion to pranic nourishment often demands both discipline and courage. To be successfully nourished by prana for over a long period of time, requires a clear commitment to experience DOW Power as It radiates Its Presence through us all on Earth. Many who undergo this journey have realized that the Holy Grail can be found within and that the physical body is also a temple to house the Presence of this Divine Force of Creation.
Throughout millennia, spiritual warriors have been undergoing initiations that allow them to radiate the light, love and wisdom of the Divine One Within. Obviously there are those who believe that the Divine Force of Creation is an external force - rather than a Force that permeates everything - and therefore they may not feel as though they can experience this Supreme Power personally.
The Oxford Dictionary describes ‘God’ as a “superhuman being worshipped as having power over nature and human fortunes.” In the ancient Vedas, it is said that we are to God as sunshine is to sun. In fact the Vedas have more information on prana and Its power than any other source of literature.
Debating about the way we think the Divine expresses Itself is not the issue of focus here. We all know that personal experience speaks volumes and surpasses theory and postulation, and often people may have experiences of ‘higher powers’ that defy both medical and scientific explanation. This is true in the case of the Ambassadors of Light.
In essence, the ability to live on prana alone is a natural by-product of allowing our DOW to feed us as we invite It to radiate through us. This is what the Christians would call living from God’s light - literally. Religious texts and scriptures are filled with references as to the power of this divine radiation.
Are all who live from light religious? Not necessarily - at least not in the way that is commonly accepted, yet over 80% of the Ambassadors of Light have both a very deep understanding of metaphysics and have been long-term meditators. It is my belief that one cannot live from light unless one has the intrinsic understanding and experience in the existence of a Higher Intelligence - a cosmic order behind the chaos. For if we cease to take nourishment from food and yet we do not believe in, or have no experience of the Divine Force, then what will feed us in the place of food?
Human beings need nourishment to survive or else the physical body will feed off itself and eventually die, which is what happens to those with anorexia, or those who exist in situations with food scarcity, or those who are involved in hunger strikes. While we have plenty of research about what happens to people denied food, there has been virtually no precedence in the West of people being fed by prana.
Prana in Sanskrit means primal energy and is sometimes translated as breath of vital force; though it is more than these. The subject of prana is common in yogic thought and we talk more of this in the chapter called Prana Power. To me, prana is the essence of our DOW, and living healthily without food requires the ability to tap into DOW Power to obtain this alternative form of nutrition. And, as living purely on light is an exercise in self-mastery, it is not possible to do this without knowledge and experience of our Divine Self. Not the ego/personality/culturally influenced self, but the Self that inspires us to explore and understand our true human potential.
Some call this desire to experience the Divine Self, the journey of enlightenment. According to the “Dictionary of Symbols”, enlightenment is a “Symbol of a condition experienced by candidates during rites of initiation. The known pattern of these rites involves death, a journey to the spirit world and a rebirth.”
Those who have experienced the 21 day process have found it to be an initiation that takes courage and commitment and great trust. All the Light Ambassadors who have chosen to stay with the experience of being fed by DOW Power have held a long-term interest in esoteric matters and initiations that allow them to be more ‘light filled’.

Albert Einstein once said:
“The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious.
It is the source of true art and science. He to whom the emotion is stranger, who can no longer pause to wonder and stand wrapped in awe,
is as good as dead; his eyes are closed.
The insight into the mystery of life, coupled though it be with fear,
has also given rise to religion.
“To know what is impenetrable to us really exists, manifesting itself as the highest wisdom and the most radiant beauty, which our dull faculties can comprehend only in their most primitive forms - this knowledge, this feeling is at the centre of true religiousness.”

To the Ambassadors of Light, radiation of the Supreme Splendour of the DOW is of paramount importance for we understand that this one focus alone has the power to transform our world. As has been the way since linear time began on Earth, every single human being is at choice as to how they wish to live their life, moment by moment. Choosing to focus on self-responsibility and self-refinement and getting to know our DOW will fulfil the prophecy of the ‘Second Coming’.
This is something that all who breathe can do right here, right now, rather than anticipating miracles or the return of the ‘Messiah’ to save us. Focusing on the Divine Perfection that dwells within us will release an experience of the Christed consciousness or the Buddhic consciousness within our hearts and minds and bring the world and her people into a state of true harmony and grace.
There are many ways to radiate the Supreme Splendour and these are well covered in our previous book titled “In Resonance”, and also throughout esoteric and metaphysical material and the scriptures of many religions. The knowledge of these paths is always revealed to the sincere seeker, for our DOW is always looking for opportunities to reveal Its Presence in our lives when invited to do so.
Yes, radiating the Supreme Splendour is about en‘light’enment - and to many of the Ambassadors of Light, this means being filled with Light. The four attributes of en‘light’enment are said to be: a) discrimination; b) desirelessness; c) good conduct and d) love. These are issues that the Light Ambassadors feel are worthy of experiencing.
As ancient texts have always said, we hold all the knowledge and all the keys to universal wisdom within us. Nothing is new and all will unfold on earth eventually in accordance with the Divine Plan. This Plan is a field of possibility that all who believe in grace and magic can play within. The wizards call what occurs within this field, the game of Divine Alchemy which we cover in detail in the Camelot Trilogy.
To the beings of light that I call the MA (or Master Alchemists), the lifestyles of the Ambassadors of Light who choose to be fed by their DOW, offer a more civilized alternative to the continual slaughter of both animal and human life at this time.
For me it is wonderful being able to be part of a small group of people who are able to offer this alternative to the world even though we accept that it is challenging to many people’s belief systems. For those who intuitively respond to this lifestyle choice, Living on Light seems a very natural alternative.
While the “Exactly how is this possible?” question still needs a lot of scientific and medical research, the fact is that people can be nourished by liquid light, chi or prana, if they are physically fit, emotionally fit, mentally fit and spiritually fit AND desire this lifestyle, as yogis have done this for millennia.
In more recent times, studies have been done on the state of ‘bigu’, which is attained via qi emissions, which are the radiation of a qigong master. After this exposure, many report a loss of appetite and maintain this desire to not eat, and practice of not eating, for days, months and years.
Our journey into pranic nourishment is somewhat different yet the results are the same. How well we are fed by prana and how well we can sustain this form of nourishment long-term, is directly related to how powerfully we allow the DOW to radiate through our body. We control the level of this emission daily by the quality of our thoughts, words and deeds.
As my friend and colleague, Louix Dor Dempriey says in his book “Dawn of Enlightenment”: “Divinity reveals itself from within the self, where it lies dormant until such time as the soul is ready and willing to externalize it. There are four qualities necessary to liberate the soul: desire, faith, willingness and obedience. Of the four, obedience is the last to which the ego personality will succumb. It is not enough to read all the right books and quote all the great sages. The divine laws of cause and effect must be obeyed.”
The evidence of these laws is everywhere on our planet if only we choose to look. So is the evidence of Holiness, which appears in different ways to different people. And yet it is not our different beliefs that stop us from experiencing Holiness - it is our lack of deep desire. Without desire, without intention and without vision, the evidence of the Supreme Splendour remains hidden from us all. Those who have found and experienced the evidence of Holiness often become the Ambassadors of Light.

The above is chapter one from the book "AMBASSADORS OF LIGHT - World Health, World Hunger Project" by Jasmuheen. It is available as an inexpensive e-book at:

BOOK 2 of the Living on Light – Divine Nutrition Series: “AMBASSADORS OF LIGHT - Living on Light – World Health, World Hunger Project” 'AMBASSADORS OF LIGHT : World Health World Hunger Project': Jasmuheen’s tenth book and the follow on to her best seller "Living on Light - Nutrition for the New Millennium". In this book Jasmuheen offers practical solutions to world health and world hunger related challenges, via her ‘Luscious Lifestyles Program’ and via effective ways to redirect global resources. This entails an in-depth look at global disarmament, the dissolution of prohibition, the forgiveness of third world debt, holistic re- education programs and the elimination of the need for personal pharmaceutical use through the elimination of all dis-ease. "Ambassadors of Light" also looks at the undeniable long term benefits of vegetarianism in relation to health and resource sustainability levels, and also at the lifestyles that those who are now free from the need to eat food usually adopt. Jasmuheen also compiles statistics from the Light Ambassadry’s Global Research Project as well as the research of many others into this phenomena. This book is a collation of research, recipes and recommendations that if adopted, will radically alter the path of humankind! Imagine a world without war or hunger or fear? Imagine a world that is dis-ease free and unified where all life is honoured? These are the dreams of the Ambassadors of Light.


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