Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Four Body Fitness - Biofields & Bliss

Basic Biofield Introduction

FOUR BODY FITNESS is a term used to describe the health of our physical, emotional, mental and spiritual energy fields or being.

A Biofield is the space within and around our bodies, within and around the planet, and also the space within and around the universe. It is the space created and inhabited by living organisms. The study of this and the study of the interaction of the electric, magnetic and thermal fields with living matter, is basic Biofield Science. The purpose of this book is to share that while Biofields resonate at set frequencies, their frequency 'keynote' can be altered consciously at will and in a way that will benefit us all.

BLISS is described in the Oxford Dictionary as being: 'perfect joy or happiness; blessedness; being in heaven.' If the Recipes and Programs covered in the following pages are applied we can all experience complete fulfillment and harmony on earth. This is neither New Age or Religious dreaming. BIOFIELD BLISS is the outcome of holistic education based on RECIPE 2000â which incorporates the Four Body Fitness principles.

BIOFIELD SCIENCE : is the art of successful living and is based on four principles:
These are ...
1. That there is a Force that is all powerful, all knowing, and everywhere, including within us.
2. That this Force is a Supreme System of loving Intelligence that acts like a Master Computer Controller within us. I call this Force the DOW - the Divine One Within.
3. That this Force can be experienced and worked with to bring extraordinary results for humanity at this time.
4. That our body is a bio-computer and our mind is a software program and that, via Biofield Laws, we literally create our own reality.

In the following pages we will share our research, offer tested tools and programming codes and invite everyone to bring the bliss back into life on earth. People who work with Biofield Science are called Biofield Technicians, and it is their programming to study the inter-relationships of the fields and their impact on human life. They are also often called Metaphysicians, a word meaning the someone who studies the science of life. A metaphysician usually focuses on Dimensional Biofield Science.

I commenced my fascinating journey with Four Body Fitness in 1964 yet only began my training in Biofield Science in the early nineties after more than two intense decades of experiential metaphysical exploration. Through it all I looked for an understanding that would remove the mysticism from the Divine and bridge metaphysics back to quantum science. I believe that Biofield Science is this bridge. Jeff and I have more than 70 years of Biofield research behind us as we began our FOUR BODY FITNESS training around the same time.

Regardless of our personal history every one wants similar things : love, health, wealth, passion and purpose in life, good relationships with family and friends … the list goes on yet the basic desires are the same.

Albert Einstein once said: 'I want to know the thoughts of God, the rest are just details. The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift.'

This book is for those who wish to remember and enjoy the gift.

The adoption of Recipe 2000 â allows us to consciously retune our Personal Biofield. This occurs as a natural consequence of the Luscious Lifestyles Program - the L.L.P. and the use of specific Codes. As keys to the Dimensional Biofield and its zone called Paradise, each step offers benefits beyond compare and will be explored further in this manual. The combination of the 8 point lifestyle and Codes is dynamic, releasing vibrations through our Biofield that retune it back to our original beat. Here we are healthy, happy and running high on life, we feel loved and enthusiastic and can enjoy our journey.

All we can give you is a hint of what life is like
for those who apply Recipe 2000â.
We can also share about the benefits and how to use the tools.

As we gather around the world, Biofield retuning has become a priority for all. Biofield Science requires us to be conscious of Universal Laws, which govern the Higher Light Science, of which BIOFIELD SCIENCE is just a part. Successful Biofield tuning also requires us to be clear regarding what we want both personally and globally. Clarity of vision is a must for successful manifestation.

The Four Body Fitness System:

· The Four Body Fitness System is a method of gaining physical, emotional, mental and spiritual health.
· Using a set recipe, FOUR BODY FITNESS can be achieved in a relatively short time as the human body completely regenerates itself every 2.5 years. We make a new liver every 6 weeks, a new skin once a month, a new stomach lining every 5 days, and we didn’t have our current skeleton 3 months ago. The brain cells we think with weren’t there a year ago. Even our DNA raw material is totally replaced every 6 weeks. A complete new body, is created, down to every atom, every 2.5 years.
· Four Body Fitness creates a well tuned Personal Biofield that allows the practitioner to experience both quality and quantity living. This then impacts on the Social and Planetary fields.
· Four Body Fitness is achieved by our lifestyle choice and thinking patterns and is covered further in the Personal Biofield tuning section.

The 5 Main Biofield Types:

In Biofield Science there are 5 predominant Biofield types. In order to successfully interact with duo, family, group and global Biofields, we need to be more aware of each type as the Fields will be referred to throughout this manual. How each is affected or operates will be elaborated on as we go.

BIOFIELD 1. Our Personal Biofield : This field is comprised of the energy pulsing from our physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies which each radiate a specific frequency. This frequency is determined by imprinting. When the frequency of each body is combined, we radiate a specific key-note which according to Bio-Science Laws then imprints itself into all the below fields.

BIOFIELD 2. Our Social Biofield : this field contains the individual frequency emission made by our family, friends, colleagues. It is the community's Biofields. A Social Biofield occurs any time two or more people share space as their Personal Biofields will intermingle and merge.

BIOFIELD 3. Our Global Biofield : This is the synthesis of all Biofields on earth from the mineral and Devic kingdoms, the plant and animal kingdoms, the human kingdoms plus the inner plane kingdoms.

BIOFIELD 4. Our Cosmological Biofield : This field pertains to the resonance of the solar, galactic and universal systems and is the field of study of astronomers, quantum physicists and some metaphysicians. Its flavor is added to by the Global Biofield.

BIOFIELD 5. The Dimensional Biofield : Also known as the virtual field, this is a field of great interest to many metaphysicians. This is the field from which religion and the Higher Light Science has been born.

The book FOUR BODY FITNESS : BIOFIELDS & BLISS deals primarily with the first three types of Biofields. My next book "GLOBAL UNITY : BIOFIELDS & BLISS" will deal with all five and focus primarliy on the harmonious coexistence of the personal, planetary biofields by using dimensional biofield techniques.

Biofield Grids:

Biofield Grids are the foundation of Dimensional Biofield Science and more grid information, and how it applies to FOUR BODY FITNESS, is covered in that section.

· A Biofield Grid is a web of light rays and sound waves that carry Coded Information.
· Biofield Grids surround, and are woven through all life forms.
· In the human bio-system, the grid is anchored as a supporting foundation. In Biofield Science this inner grid is called the Lightbody and its physical operating system are our meridians.
· Biofield Grids operate via energy transmissions that are governed by Universal Law.
· Biofield Grids and their subsequent transmission signals can be harmonized, or overhauled and completely retuned, by the application of RECIPE 2000 â.

Dimensional Biofield Science:

· This science is the study of Dimensional subtleties and attributes which provides the analytical understanding of BIOFIELD SCIENCE. By studying the Personal, Social and Global Biofields we can determine each one's effectiveness. If in need of retuning we can then decide how to recalibrate it and to what frequency adjustments need to be made.

· This adjustment is a natural part of Dimensional Science. To do this successfully we need an holistic understanding which provides the sensitivity required to do this harmoniously. Biofield adjustments can range from subtle imprints to waves that shake up a field in a way that is as devastating in its consequences as a volcanic shift on earth. For example, a nuclear explosion on earth would have an impact on not only the Global Biofield but also on the Universal and Dimensional Fields. A subtle shift in the Biofields would come from a very happy event like a wedding or family reunion.

Biofield Influences:

· Once we have taken the time to discover what we want then we need to examine our personal Biofield and examine its effectiveness and the influences that determine its current beat.
· A Biofield beat consists of four main influences, our physical, emotional, mental and spiritual vibration and their frequency mix. This frequency mix and the way it influences our Personal, Social and Global Biofield is the basis of FOUR BODY FITNESS.
· Obviously someone who believes they are just their physical, emotional and mental body, will have a very different Biofield beat to someone who operates within Four Body Fitness system of holisitc knowledge. For example the Biofield of a yogi or priest is very different to that of a heavy metal musician.
· Biofields are influenced powerfully by subliminal conditioning and humans are conditioned consciously and subconsciously from birth, by our home life, at school, via society and the media.
· Biofields are also influenced by our food choice, lifestyle and thinking and feeling patterns. Quality thinking, quality feeling and quality feeding create a more refined, quality Biofield.
· Biofields can also be influenced by expansion of Creative Thinking and use of THINKING TOOLS.

How Recipe 2000â will tune the Fields:

Recipe 2000> is a two edged sword - not only does it provide us with a way of successfully refining our Personal, Social and Global Biofields, but once experienced it provides us with concrete reasons as to why we should keep doing it and why inspiring others to apply it will create a harmonious global family and a fabulous future for us all.

In order to appreciate how powerful these can be, we need to look at the capacity of the human organism, particularly the human brain as re-programming requires the conscious rewiring of our brain's neural pathways.
This is covered in detail under Part 4 : Biofield Technicians.

Successful retuning of the different Biofield types requires our desire to create positive change and also some basic metaphysical skills that are designed to activate our 6th and 7th senses of intuition and knowing.

The above is from the inexpensive e-book "Four Body Fitness - Biofields & Bliss by Jasmuheen. It can be downloaded in full at: http://www.selfempowermentacademy.com.au/htm/cia-education.asp#biofield

BOOK 1: FOUR BODY FITNESS : BOOK 1 of the Biofields & Bliss Series: FOUR BODY FITNESS : BIOFIELDS & BLISS is Jasmuheen's seventeenth book. BLISS is described in the Oxford Dictionary as being : perfect joy or happiness; blessedness; being in heaven. If the Recipes and Programs covered in this book are applied we can all experience complete fulfillment and harmony on earth. This is neither New Age or Religious dreaming, BIOFIELD BLISS is the outcome of holistic education based on RECIPE 2000> which incorporates the Four Body Fitness principles. FOUR BODY FITNESS : Biofields & Bliss is a simple, pragmatic manual that is designed to bring us all into a state of both personal and global paradise. To be achieved by using Biofield Science, this system of operation deals with environmental field control and can be applied with fast results.

Saturday, August 27, 2005

Divine Nutrition Gifts, Brain Wave Patterns & Our Paranormal Powers

In order to understand “The Food of Gods” with its gift of Divine Nutrition, we need to examine our brain wave pattern range as after a decade of experiential research I have found that there are literally two secrets to the successful access of this realm. The first is our personal frequency which is determined by our lifestyle and the second - which also influences our personal frequency – is the field of our brain wave patterns. The rate, or cycles per second that our brain wave patterns operate in, and also their amplitude, can determine how well we are being nourished in life and, if tuned in a certain manner, can also reveal another source of nourishment as yet relatively unexplored by the western world.
During a visit to India in 2002 and a meeting with Dr Sudhir Shah and his research team, I was given what I feel to be an important link in understanding the Divine Nutrition journey. I had already been guided to write this book with the focus on future research that I felt still needed to be done in the ‘Divine nourishment field’, when Dr Shah’s personal research into brain wave patterns triggered me into a new level of understanding. In order to accept the food of Gods as a source of pure nutrition, we need to understand more of how the body and our brain works and we will address the area of Brain Wave pattern research in more detail later.

Brain Wave patterns and the Divine Nutrition Program:
Briefly, there are four main brain wave patterns which are:
v the Beta brain wave pattern at 14 to 30 cycles per second – level 1;
v the Alpha brain wave pattern at 8 to 13 cycles per second – level 2 & 3;
v the Theta brain wave pattern at 4 to 7 cycles per second – level 2 & 3 - and lastly,
v The Delta brain wave pattern at .5 to 3 cycles per second – level 3.

Although research on the differing type of brain wave patterns that occur between yogis and someone untrained in working with consciously altering their brain wave patterns, is now being done; what has not yet been explored is:-
What can happen within a human system when the slower in frequency, but higher in amplitude, brain wave patterns are sustained for long periods of time; in other words what happens to a person’s life when they choose to anchor themselves in the Theta brain wave field? And …
How is this anchoring done?
All of this will be discussed in later chapters but now let’s address the gifts that life in the theta field can provide us with.

Paranormal Powers:
Research has found that when the Theta - Delta frequency pattern is held, the following attributes are evident in a person’s life. These attributes are sometimes classified as paranormal powers that can be seen as:-
v Pre-cognition – the ability to sense what is about to occur;
v Telepathy – the ability to pick up unspoken mental-plane communications;
v Bi-location – the ability to be in two places at once, or to send a holographic projection of oneself somewhere else;
v Clairsentience and empathy – the ability to sense or feel what others are feeling;
v Clairvoyance – the ability to see between the worlds with our third eye;
v The ability to heal through touch or over distances plus much more.

The Theta – Delta pattern is the home of our latent paranormal abilities and when accessed allows our inner resources of Divine Nutrition to flow. In the metaphysical world, which power/s a person has often depends on the role they have agreed to play in the cycles of human evolution.
When the Theta and the Delta brain wave patterns are sustained not only does the veil go down between the conscious and subconscious mind allowing reprogramming of the whole bio-system in a more effective way, but we also begin to tap into other realms of reality, where issues like the following become more real for us:
v Divine radiance - where we can increase or decrease our auric emanations so that our presence nourishes others in a healthy way.
v Divine intentions - where we understand the power of our intentions and will in co-creation and use them with wisdom for the good of all and are hence supported by powerful and nourishing universal forces.
v Divine guidance - access to an inner plane system of reliable help.
v Divine prosperity - access to all the abundance we need to be fulfilled on all levels.
v Divine transmissions - the ability to enjoy two way communications with beings who are permanently anchored in the Theta – Delta field and to do so via empathic or telepathic means.
v Divine co-creation - the ability to, and action of, creating in a way that stimulates and releases the highest potentialities into manifestation.
v Divine Grace is an inexplicable energy that is incredible to experience, Grace is the oil that smoothes the way in life.
v Divine communication – communion with the God within and the inner plane Holy Ones
v Divine manifestation – the ability to recognize the will of the Creator and to manifest according to the Divine Plan’s current agenda which is our conscious co-creation of paradise on earth.
v Divine bliss – true emotional, mental and spiritual nourishment.
v Divine nutrition as in pranic feeding and the freedom it brings and
v Divine revelation – the zone of true knowing beyond limited perceptions and realities.
The above are some of the benefits that come from accessing the Divine Nutrition channel and we will elaborate on these later.
I call these gifts that we receive when we are in tune with the Madonna Frequency. The Madonna Frequency is the frequency of Divine Love and Divine compassion. The Madonna Frequency is the deliverer of the true food of the Gods, because (although this is totally unscientific in explanation) the metaphysical fact is that what allows us to be nourished - and maintain pure health without the need of taking physical food or vitamin supplements if this be our life choice - is an energy which can only be described as pure Divine Love and I believe that this energy of Divine Love is triggered automatically when a person maintains the Theta – Delta brain wave patterns.
I once met a man who said to me: “Why do you speak so much of the Divine? It’s always ‘Divine this’ and ‘Divine that’. And you say that we are Divine beings and maybe that is true for you but I certainly am not Divine.”
I could have responded and quoted John 14.2 and said as Jesus did: “I shall go to the house of my Father to prepare for you an abode. The house of my Father has many abodes. On that day you shall know that I am with the Father, the Father in me and I in you. You are God.” But that only impresses those of the Christian faith. What about the Buddhist who believes in a Supreme Intelligence rather than a God as we know it and what has this to do with the science of measuring brain wave patterns and Divine Nutrition?
When the abode is well prepared or tuned, then Divine Nutrition flows and is physically released within us especially when we consciously tune our brain wave patterns into the Theta – Delta fields. And Divinity?
Divinity is a state, an experience, a feeling of awe and recognition and wonder and appreciation when we find our self in the Presence of something that truly is sublime. Does it exist? Can we all experience this? This depends on our desire and also our capacity to perceive it yet most amazingly, if we believe in the Divine and ask It to reveal Itself to us, It does particularly when we meet It half way by consciously tuning ourselves into the theta field where It expresses Itself more freely.
I like the game of logic, I like the game of trust and faith, I like the quantum game that says we can alter events just by the viewing of them and I like the fact that we can test the idea that we are Gods in form and that what we focus on comes into being if we all believe in it enough and do what is required to retune the fields. I like the idea that this means that if we unify and focus collectively then we can co-create anything on this earth. I also like the experience of the vastness of creation, the knowing that God is everywhere and that this includes within us and as such all is naturally Divine. The role of the modern day metaphysician is now only to absorb the proper nourishment to support us as we act as if we are Divine. I also like the fact that with proper nourishment, enjoying our ‘para’normal powers will become a common aspect of all our lives.
It’s interesting to look at the idea of ‘normal’ or what is considered acceptable to the status quo. In our modern day world it is normal to suffer dis-ease and bio-system breakdown and decay. It is normal to die at around age 70 and to experience emotional highs and lows. Violence is tolerated as an everyday fact as is the suffering of our children. Personally I would like to think that as we learn how to stop blocking our inner nourishment flow, that these things become abnormal rather than every day. All it takes is education to inspire us to understand and make more supportive choices which are easier to make when we understand the natural cycles of human awareness.

The above is chapter 2 from the e-book "The Food of Gods" by Jasmuheen. It is book 3 of the Divine Nutrition series and can be purchased inexpensively at http://www.selfempowermentacademy.com.au/htm/cia-education.asp#divine

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Everyone is Hungry for Something

Everyone is hungry for something whether it’s definable or not, however most human hungers are easy to recognize. Many people are hungry for love while others hunger for wealth. Our hunger for health and happiness also dominates our time. Right now some people hunger for retribution, while others cry out with a hunger for harmony and peace, or for justice and truth and kindness to prevail and to not send their loved ones to war.
Some people hunger for sensual satisfaction while others seek the spiritual, ready to eat enlightenment like others consume their daily food, for they are driven by a hunger that is harder to explain. Hunger expresses itself in so many ways depending on its depth and the desires that drive it. Whatever the problem in life, scratch the surface of the issue, and you will find that someone is hungry for something.
Hunger for power sees the conquest of others while hunger for knowledge sees our growth. Hunger for wealth sees the exploitation of others, while hunger for altruism sees wealth’s redistribution. Hunger for communication sees our union with others, while hunger for true food sees us often in lack. Hunger for wisdom sees us reach deep within ourselves as life then tests us to apply it. Hunger for truth leads us to discover that the Holy Grail is within containing its elixir called Spirit.
Hunger for Spirit reveals to us the Divine One Within who reveals Itself to be a master computer controller of a very complex bio-mechanism that pulses with fields that hold life - a 6.3 trillion cell mechanism that vibrates at a set speed that in turn determines the various realities we experience throughout the term of our life.
Satisfying these vast hungers has consumed the thoughts and time of leaders and sages and the curious alike, though few rarely make the time or have the desire to look at this game in greater depth. Often many are just too consumed with satisfying the hunger for survival to really find enough nourishment to begin to thrive. Those that do are either pre-programmed to do so, or stumble upon understanding the game of true nourishment through some big change in life.
The common finding among those who seek perfect nourishment is that as soon as one hunger is satiated, another is usually revealed, adding layer upon layer to the complex jigsaw of life. Keeping all our hungers properly fed becomes a time consuming passion and an art.
Feeding all our hungers takes time, attention, will-power, desire, focus, dreaming and scheming, money, energy, co-operation and union with others, communication and programming and to do so well we need a fair degree of basic skill.
Feeding our hunger successfully so we are free from feeling hungry on any level, requires holistic education for to satisfy ourselves we need to understand who we really are. To ignore any aspect of how our being, as a 6.3 trillion cell mechanism functions, is like living life in the dark and denying our sense of sight. If we have never experienced sight we do not know what we are missing, but if we have then we have a greater adjustment to make. The fact is our DOW - our Divine self - wants us to know It for It is the force behind the mechanism that breathes us and keeps us alive.
Although our DOW exists as an underlying creative frequency throughout all our cells and atoms, often Its presence has become a much weaker beat as in Dimensional Biofield Science, what we focus on will always grow. Because we have ignored the boss of our system for so long and instead focused on feeding our hungers via more material methods, Its energy field has been tuned to a more ‘basic maintenance’ mode.
The DOW in basic maintenance mode breathes us and listens to our thoughts and generally lets us play and experiment and suffer as we learn and grow. Until we begin to ask questions like ‘Who am I? Why am I here? Is there a higher purpose to this existence? Can we all live in peace on earth?’ Or ‘How can we all get along?’ Or something similar, our DOW remains relatively dormant and is unable to release Its full potential until It is invited.
Thankfully each human bio-system has been equipped with its own perfect and limitless supplier of true nourishment for our DOW has the power to satiate all our hungers. When we work consciously with DOW power and the river of Grace It naturally commands, our lives become a streamlined flow of ease and joy where nothing feels like a problem and everything operates in perfect harmony and balance within the whole.
While we can satisfy our hunger for love or health or wealth, until we satisfy our natural hunger to know our DOW we will never feel fulfilled. Every being has been programmed to know its DOW for our DOW is our bio-systems intelligent creator, a force that some call God and it is not until we remember It and merge consciously with It that we can be fulfilled. The Sages call this way of being nourished as accessing the true food of the Gods.

Identifying our Hungers:

Basically our hungers can be grouped into four categories:
Physical Hunger;
Emotional Hunger;
Mental Hunger and
Spiritual Hunger.
And then we have our community and global hungers as well.

The fact is that unless all these hungers are satisfied we will always feel restless as each human being has been encoded on a cellular level with both the knowledge and the tools to satisfy all hungers. In other words we come equipped and are self sustaining. Releasing this knowledge and these skills happens via our life’s journey and via specific actions and desires.
Physical Hunger is an obvious one and it presents itself as a feeling of emptiness in our stomach that remains there until we give it food. The type of food we choose either allows the body to remain healthy and regenerate itself or go into overdrive and try to deal with the toxicity that comes from choosing food or liquid substances that the body finds unnatural. While a copious amount of research has been done into correct physical nutrition, what we wish to move into in this book is utilizing another source of nourishment that the body can access in order to keep healthy and be disease free. The good news is that accessing this type of nourishment also satisfies our emotional, mental and spiritual hungers for this is the nature of DOW power and the Divine One Within holds the key to a limitless source of nourishment.
The reasons for our hungers are as varied as we are, some of it goes back to being unfulfilled in our previous experiences, some to just never getting enough - like a person who felt unloved as a child and who may feel emotionally insecure and becomes hungry for love and approval. Or mothers of children who choose to remain out of the work force when their children are young may feel hungry for mental stimulation while others feel hungry for a creative outlet. Teenagers are often hungry to be let loose in the world to experience all that life has to offer them while people who are in their sunset years may feel hungry for their youth again.
Similarly on a more metaphysical level, some souls hunger for an experience of life in a denser beta field world while others hunger to leave it.
There are a myriad of types of hungers and reasons for our hungers and in order to understand some of these it is helpful to look first at some of the reasons why we block our ability to be nourished, next it is helpful to explore the natural cycles of human awareness which allow us to either be open or closed to the type of information held in the ‘Divine Nutrition Series’ and also the different sources of nourishment that we have available to us which I classify as either conventional or non-conventional.
Before we proceed with the Divine Nutrition Program, let’s look a little deeper at the classification of the 3 nourishment levels that we can access. While I dislike categorization as they can further separate our species, for the purpose of this book it will be easier to make the below referencing.

LEVEL 1 in the Divine Nutrition Program (DNP):
A level 1 bio-system is a hungry one. It dies at an average age of seventy and experiences a slow system break down over time. It is susceptible to physical, emotional, mental and spiritual dis-ease and its health and happiness and peace and prosperity levels fluctuate. Level 1’s rarely leave the Beta frequency field.

LEVEL 2 in the DNP:
A level 2 bio-system is a system that is being nourished enough on all levels so that the individual experiences sustainable and fulfilling levels of health and happiness and peace and prosperity. Level 2’s tend to keep their brain wave patterns in the Alpha – Theta field.

LEVEL 3 in the DNP:
A level 3 bio-system is an individual who is free from the need of many of earth’s resources, who can - if they wish to - sustain themselves without the need of physical food and whose system remains healthy and disease free. Some ‘level 3’s’ are also free from the death and aging process. A level 3 bio-system is also using many of their ‘paranormal’ powers and tends to sustain their brain wave patterns in the Theta – Delta field.

The above is chapter 1 from the e-book "The Food of Gods" by Jasmuheen. It is book 3 of the Divine Nutrition series and can be purchased inexpensively at http://www.selfempowermentacademy.com.au/htm/cia-education.asp#divine

BOOK 3 of the Living on Light – Divine Nutrition Series: THE FOOD OF GODS – Everyone is hungry for something - health, wealth, happiness, love, peace or even retribution and war. In this new book Jasmuheen explores the Dimensional Biofield Science and its gift of Divine Nutrition, a source of nourishment that can eliminate earth's emotional, mental and spiritual anorexia and satisfy all of our personal hungers. HOW? By changing our brain wave patterns, by adopting a specific lifestyle to change our field resonance and by utilising both ancient wisdom and modern day science tools that are outlined in this book. Powerful solutions, and meditations and tools on how to nourish all our hungers and eliminate our physical, emotional, mental and spiritual anorexia so that we can all be healthy and happy and peaceful and prosperous. In this book Jasmuheen offers a softer safer way to tune to body to the pranic channel and free ourselves from our hungers. Perfect nourishment utilising Divine power. Jasmuheen’s 18th book.

Wednesday, August 17, 2005


Definition of evolution from: http://www.wordiq.com/definition/Evolution
Evolution generally refers to any process of change over time. In the context of life science, evolution is a change in the genetic makeup of a population of interbreeding individuals within a species. Since the emergence of modern genetics in the 1940s, evolution has been defined more specifically as a change in the frequency of alleles from one generation to the next.

Q: What do you define as an enjoyable and effective evolution?
A: To evolve in a way that is effective means an evolutionary process where we live in harmony with all kingdoms – animal, plant and human and even mineral, without destroying the natural balance of resources. We understand that every being is part of a whole and that everyone’s existence thus impacts upon our future path because we are all interconnected. For example, collectively to ignore the poor and the suffering and our ability to provide basic human rights, globally limits the enjoyment of our evolution. When we recognize this interconnectedness and work as a harmonious whole then we will have an effective and also more enjoyable evolutionary path as the ability to work in harmony is a sign of a civilized world. Individually an effective and enjoyable evolution can be measured by our personal levels of health and happiness which is a reflection of our physical, emotional, mental and spiritual wellbeing.

Q: There appears to be so much suffering in our world today, how can the Prana Program change this so that we have a more enjoyable and effective evolution, individually and as a species?
A: Through education we can inspire people to increase the pranic flow through their beings which then changes their personal resonance and how the universe responds to them. The prana program path is about mastering energy flow within us and around us so that we can consciously create a future that provides increased health and happiness levels for all.

Q: What exactly is prana and how does it work, where and when did it originate?
A: The idea of prana as nourishment has been around since the dawn of time. Universal Mind and its Akashic records, share that there was a time where all beings were sustained from the pranic forces. Pranic nourishment is the ability to attract and then absorb all the nutrients, vitamins and nourishment one requires, to maintain a healthy being, from the universal life force, also termed cosmic particles or chi energy. A person who practices this does not need to take their nourishment from physical food and they also find that by increasing the pranic flow through their bodies they are fed not just physically but also emotionally, mentally and spiritually due to the nature of the pranic flow. Being fed in this way allows us a more effective and enjoyable evolution for reasons we will cover throughout “The Prana Program” book.
According to http://www.wordiq.com/dictionary.html, “prana is the vital air, or breath, of the human body, as visualized in Hinduism. It is also interpreted as the vital, life-sustaining force of both the individual body and the universe. Its first expounding came in the Upanishads, where it is part of the worldly, physical realm, sustaining the body and reliant on the mind. Prana suffuses all living form but is not itself the soul.”

Q: In the west we have now begun to recognize prana as an alternate food source for the physical body, how can it feed us on other levels?
A: When we increase the flow of pure prana within us Its presence and essence floods through the system and transforms limiting aspects of how the human biological system is operating thus allowing an individual to access and demonstrate natural but generally dormant abilities. The activation of these abilities provides us with emotional, mental and spiritual nourishment.

Q: What exactly are some of these ‘natural but dormant abilities’?
A: The human system is a complex one and currently we use limited sections of our brain as that is all that is required to survive here. Metaphysics can teach us how to access our natural clairvoyant, clairaudient and clairsentient abilities and how to utilize other sections of our brain which according to the science of neuro-theology is hardwired to deliver a variety of experiences that may appear to be supernatural but are actually natural when a person expands their consciousness and anchors their brainwaves into different patterns of behavior.

Q: Why will the activation of these abilities make human evolution more effective and enjoyable?
A: Activation of these abilities will a produce a more loving, compassionate and aware species who will operate en-mass for the good of the whole and who will be less driven by limited ego perspectives and paradigms of greed and power. Currently 95% of our planetary resources are controlled by 5% of our population with 2/3’s of our 6 billion plus population living on less than one US dollar per day, in very limited conditions with limited access to healthy food, decent shelter or education programs that can teach them how to break cycles of poverty. There comes a point in the evolution of every species where these issues need to be resolved effectively and harmoniously, this is just a natural part of human refinement.

To enjoy the balance of this article http://www.selfempowermentacademy.com.au/htm/files/downloads/Enjoyable-Evolution.pdf

Jasmuheen will tour with this discussion and THE PRANA PROGRAM during 2006. For more details on her 2005 tour schedule go to http://www.selfempowermentacademy.com.au/htm/training.asp#RETREATS

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Welcome to news from Jas.....

Stay tuned to our new facility of blogging - here we will place regular articles and updates on all our experiential research with the C.I.A. agenda. At the Cosmic Internet Academy - our C.I.A. - we offer heaps of positive and pragmatic information that supports individual and global paradigms for harmonious change.... with love light & laughter - Jasmuheen